Oh god, karaoke.

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                                                              (Keiko's pov)

                                           (We both bust down the door)

"Well they won't be happy about that."

(I take a deep breath that doesn't smell like paint and mold)

"You feel okay now?"

"Yea I do, let's look around more."

(We both start looking around again, i go upstairs this time )

[well.... This doesn't look disturbing at all.]

(There's ripped paintings everywhere.)

"Hey jungwon don't come up here."

"Ah okay?"

(Most of the paintings are pulsating, like the people trapped are trying to get out.)

[these poor people....]

(There's one painting that's hanged up in a glass class, without a scratch on it.)

"Hey I'm coming up anyways...."

(Jungwon runs up next to me and looks at the painting too.)

"Why is that one untouched?"

(I walk up to the glass and I'm about to lift the glass up,that is until a alarm went off.)

"And that is our alarm to run."

(Jungwon grabs my arm and runs out of the creepy shop, we both run all the way to another block)

"Okay... I think we're far enough kei....."

(We're both out of breath)

[i have never heard him sound so serious until back there.]

"How we go home...."

(I get a notification on my phone, it's from mei)

"Crap.... I totally forgot."

"What did you forget"

(We both sit on a bench)

"Tonight is karaoke night with mei and sunoo."

"You gotta be kidding me."

"I wish I wasn't"

(I show him the text from mei)

"You really aren't kidding me."

(He sounds highly aggravated)

"I could just tell them to change the d-"

"No it's fine let's go it will be a good distraction."


(I call a cab and we both get in, the driver starts heading to where mei and sunoo are which is about 20 minutes away.)

"You sure you're okay with going to kar-"

(I look over to where he is and he is a couple inches away from my face, because he decided to look out my window)

"..... yea I said I'm fine with it."

(He looks at my lips for a second and then looks back at my eyes.)

The man in the painting (jungwon ff) Where stories live. Discover now