Chapter 2

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I cannot lie, it was a nice sunny day today. I witnessed the beautiful sun peeking through the fat windows of the PizzaPlex. I skipped over to Chica's place, knowing she'd be stuffing her mouth with pizza like always.
"Morning, Chica." I said, feeling drained.
"Morning!" She replied, applying lipstick on her beak. I stood by her in the mirror, looking at my elegant self.            
   "Any plans today?" I asked. Chica shook her head.
  "Alright..." My eyelashes fluttered. "Not much to do here when showtime isn't a go." I continued, walking around her room.
"I feel like your waiting for something to happen." Chica said, finishing her lipstick. She turned to look at me.
"I am! I am SOOO bored." I AM GOING TO PAUSE RIGHT THERE! I am no wiz, but I know that there is 1million attractions in this place! And honestly, my all time favorite is Roxy's Raceway! "Yes! I am brilliant! Let's go to Roxy's Raceway! Let's also invite everyone else!" I said, placing both hands on my hip.
"Okay. Freddy gave me this thingy a while back... I've been waiting to see if it worked!" Chica brought one of those Faz watches to her beak. "Freddy!" She said.
Is this woman crazy? I expected her to lose her mind soon but not this soon. She was talking to thin air.
"Yes?" Freddy's voice came from the LITERAL WATCH!
"Tell everyone to meet up at Roxy's Raceway!" Chica ordered.
"Alright. See you there!" A beeping noise came from the watch once Freddy hung up. I needed one of those watches.
"Let's go!" Me and Chica walked to Roxy's Raceway. It felt as if we were walking for hours... And not to mention it felt really hot so I think instead of the Pizza Plex it was the Sahara Desert. We finally arrived. It took so long I felt like I was a walking fossil from way back when.
   Monty and Freddy were playing rock paper scissor shoot ( Yes, I have ret Rockstars Light by Toxicater on here! I was the person who wrote it! If you wanna know more about that, there will be a note at the end! ).
  "Let's get started!" I said.

Author's note:

Hello! You came to the bottom of this chapter probably to see this or finished reading. Anyways, yes. I am the person who wrote the famous, popular, Wattpad story: Rockstars Light. The reason I haven't updated on it is because I was signed out on my old device and cannot get back into that account. I promise you, I have tried.
  I am sorry to the many people who wanted that book to continue, but I am afraid it cannot. Please contact me in the comments if you have read that series 👇, Now, bye! :) //

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