Chapter Ten: All is Forgiven.. With Snacks

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Ambrose Pov:

    I went up to my room and went over to my computer, starting it up before sitting down to eat the grilled cheese that Monoma made for me. Once my computer started up I opened discord and hummed when I saw my friend Fr0stySnowFlak3s was online. I sent him a message telling him that I was ready to game when he is and quickly ate my food while I waited for him to respond to me.

    "I thought you were going to spend the day resting?" A message from Flakes popped up on my screen.

"I was but I'm bored so now I'm gonna play games." I responded.

Flakes and I talked for a little before we decided to actually play some games, mainly just playing one game for a little bit then moving to another. We also chatted about what I could do for the next stream I plan to do. Yeah, that streamer that Shinso likes? That's me, the reason he doesn't know is I'm a faceless streamer and I usually use a voice changer to make my voice sound slightly different.

I played games with Flakes for awhile but eventually he logged off so I just started playing games by myself but even that got boring after awhile. I decided to shut down my computer and moved over to my beanbag chairs and decided today would be a good day to binge watch all the Marvel movies. I enjoyed watching the movies since they usually gave me ideas for powers I could possibly use in the future. After a few hours the door to my room opened and Monoma walked in. I looked at him and gave him a small smile as he walked over and sat next to me, asking what I was watching. I looked at the screen and hummed before answering.

"Iron man." I shrugged.

Monoma nodded and leaned against me, watching movies with me. I glanced at him but smiled slightly before settling back in and continuing to watch movies. At some point we started talking and started to actually learn about each other, and we got quite a bit in common, we both enjoyed movies for one. And Monoma isn't always so calm, he's told me several stories of when he was a kid, making me laugh and in turn tell him a few. It was nice being able to sit and get to know him, although it didn't help with whatever feeling that I've started to feel whenever I was around him and Shinso. I just hoped that if I ignored it everything would be fine.

Shinso Pov:

    I watched Ambrose go upstairs with a small frown. 'Was he really that upset?' I questioned myself. I huffed and sat at the table where Ambrose was sitting. I really shouldn't have said what I did back at my place.. Thinking back, dad would probably be dead if it wasn't for Ambrose, not to mention the other students would have been dead by that weird hand guy if it wasn't for him. I sighed and slumped down in the chair even more. Despite Ambrose being adamant on not being a hero, I was wrong, he would make a good hero.

    Neito eventually dragged me to sit in the living room with him and he turned on the tv. We sat in silence for a bit before Tsukauchi came and joined us at some point. I looked at the older man after a moment and bit my lip nervously before speaking.

    "Do you think he's really that mad at me?" I asked.

    Tsukauchi looked at us before he hummed and shook his head. "Nah, there isn't music blasting from his room and he isn't screaming along to any lyrics," The man shrugged his shoulders before continuing. "I'm pretty sure I heard movies playing so I think he's more hurt than anything."

    Neito perked up at the mention of movies and quickly said he wanted to go watch, the blond pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before he got up and went upstairs. I couldn't help the amused huff as I watched him go before looking at Tsukauchi when he started speaking again.

    "Ambrose is usually easy to forgive, "Too lazy to hold a grudge." in his words," He laughed. "If I had to guess, he's trying to make you sweat."

    I watched him before humming, mumbling that it does sound like Ambrose before glancing at the stairs. I sighed and sat back on the couch, I deserved this. I watched a few movies with Tsukauchi before the older man spoke up.

    "Snacks are in the pantry, second shelf from the top. Ambrose likes Swiss Rolls the most, there should be a new pack in there."

    I looked at him before nodding and getting up. I went into the kitchen and over to the pantry, looking on the correct shelf, I grabbed the pack of swiss rolls first before grabbing anything else we'd like for snacks. I smiled to myself before heading upstairs, making sure to thank Tsukuauchi as I went by.

Third Pov:

    Ambrose and Monoma were sitting next to each other, Guardians of the Galaxy playing when the door to the room opened. Both of them looked over to see a slightly nervous Shinso standing there, arms full of snacks. Ambrose raised an eyebrow at the purple haired male before he sighed and got up, going over to the corner of the room and grabbing the third beanbag chair and another blanket, bringing them over so he could sit with them.

    "You're buying me lunch for the next two weeks." Ambrose told Shinso as he plopped back down in his spot from before.

    Shinso smiled and walked over, setting the snacks on the floor in front of them before taking the seat Ambrose left for him, leaving Ambrose in the middle between Shinso and Monoma.

    "Deal." He agreed while handing Ambrose the swiss rolls.

    Ambrose smiled slightly at the snacks before quickly opening the package, making Monoma laugh as the blond reached forward to find his own snack while Shinso took the can of Pringles he brought up for himself. Monoma restarted the movie, seeing as they weren't all that far into it before the three got comfortable and continued the movie marathon, Ambrose and Monoma gladly educating Shinso on everything he needed to know about the Marvel movies.

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Yay Ch. 10! This chapter is short af but I'm happy with how it turned out. Honestly tho to anyone who's actually reading this I hope you like it so far, Ambrose has become one of my favourite OC's that I've come up with, along with the help of my friend :>

I'm also working on other stories too that I may or may not post in the future, not sure yet but if anyone would be interested in those lemme know :>

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