Chapter Twelve: Let's race!

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Ambrose Pov:

I stood in the tunnel and listened as Present Mic counted down, everyone getting ready to run. Once Present Mic shouted for us to start, the ground froze, trapping nearly everyone in the ice. I cursed and quickly used a heat emitter quirk to melt the ice around my feet and start running. I spotted Todoroki at the front of the group and rolled my eyes, grumbling. 'Of course it was fucking Ice-Pack that pulled that move.'

I ran ahead with everyone else that managed to get free and risked a glance behind me, I spotted Shinso sitting atop the shoulders of a few other students and snorted. I couldn't see Monoma anywhere but paid it no mind, focusing back on what was in front of me and raised my eyebrows at the giant robots that were blocking our path. I silently cursed and only sighed as I watched Todoroki freeze the robots, all of them in uncertain positions meaning they could fall at any time. I was proven right when they started coming down, most students were able to get out of the way but I noticed a glimpse of red hair just as one of them hit the ground.

"Well, it was nice knowing you Kirishima.." I said blankly, a few other students looking at me in horror when they heard my words.

Before anything else could really happen, the others trying to find ways around the destruction, the mentioned red-head burst out from the metal shouting something. I hummed and nodded before another student burst out next to him. If I remember correctly, it was Tetsutetsu from Monoma's class and he had a similar quirk to Kirishima's only; he could turn his body into steel rather than rock hard like Kirishima. I still have my money on the fact that they're brothers despite Monoma saying they weren't.

I chuckled and used Blasty's quirk to blast myself into the air, smirking when I heard the pomeranian himself shouting curses about me using his quirk. Just to show off a bit I made myself spin in the air like a torpedo which caused me to fly through the air faster, easily catching up with them. I maneuvered myself to land in a summer salt and take off running. I could hear Present Mic shouting over the speakers and realized he was introducing the students to the people and the heroes watching and telling them what their quirks were. I didn't pay all that much attention to the introductions until he got to me, the teacher introducing me as I used an earth bending quirk to launch myself over The Fall.

"And in seventh place, Tsukauchi Ambrose from General Studies! His quirk, Infinity Quirks! Tsukauchi's quirk allows him to use any quirk he wants, you name the quirk and he can use it! Quite overpowered if you ask me, why this kid isn't in the Hero Course is beyond me, I've seen this kid in action and let me tell you, he definitely has the makings of a great hero folks!"

I rolled my eyes and kept running, grumbling that heroes are so dumb. I stopped running after a little bit and sighed, running was so exhausting. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and watched as several other students passed me, I made sure to keep track of where I was placing as they ran, I didn't want to get too high in the ranks but I still wanted to make it to the next round, I wanted to kick Monoma's ass after all. Once I was around 20th place I started running again, smirking with a chuckle when I saw Shinso riding up on the students shoulders he was still riding on.

I reached the final obstacle and had a look of utter confusion at all the pink smoke in the air and the students carefully making their way across, a few getting blown into the air. 'Maybe I should have paid more attention to Mic announcing the obstacles..' I thought to myself before sighing and finding an air manipulation quirk, letting myself fly up into the air where I hovered for a few minutes before flying over the minefield and easily landing on the other side. I quickly started running again and passed the finish line shortly after, coming in 13th place. I moved off to the side so I wasn't in the way and sat down in the grass with a sigh, watching the rest of the students make it past the finish line.

Shinso got 27th place and I realized he was riding on the shoulders of our classmates and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that, drawing the purple haired males attention to me. He got down and walked over, sitting next to me and asking what was so funny. I smirked and looked at him while leaning back on my hands.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend His Highness." I smirked again which made Shinso roll his eyes with a small smile before he lightly shoved my shoulder.

We sat next to each other and waited for Monoma to cross, which luckily we didn't have to wait long as he placed 36th. Monoma quickly spotted us and walked over with a pout on his face, crossing his arms as he stood before us.

"I can't believe you guys ditched me! What happened to the Three Musketeers?" He frowned at us.

I furrowed my brow before laughing. "Since when did we start calling ourselves that?" I questioned, Shinso laughing and nodding in agreement.

"Since now! You guys left me! What the hell?!" He exclaimed.

Monoma's outburst caused me to laugh again as I let myself flop on my back, Shinso snickering next to me.

"Babe it was a one-for-all, every man for themselves." Shinso smirked at Monoma.

Monoma glared at us with a pout before he plopped on the ground in front of us, crossing his arms over his chest as I finally sat up and smirked at Shinso.

"Actually, Midnight never said that, we could have teamed up but you just chose pettiness today, didn't you, your Highness." I smirked tauntingly at him, leaning in closer.

Monoma let out an indignant squawk and kicked a foot out at Shinso with no real intent to hit him while the purple haired male only elbowed me in the side and told me that I shouldn't be one to talk. I grunted and let myself fall on my side away from Shinso, whining how that hurt. Shinso only rolled his eyes before getting up as Midnight told the students who qualified to come and listen as she introduced the next event. I stuck my tongue out at Shinso's back before getting up with Monoma, the two of us following Shinso over to the group of students.

I didn't pay much mind to the logistics of the event, making sure I understood enough before we were dismissed to create our teams. Shinso walked off and got himself a team while I stood with Monoma, ignoring the stares I kept getting from the other students.

"Look at that 'Noma, he went off and got a whole other team when we're standing right here." I crossed my arms over my chest while watching as Shinso climbed onto the shoulders of the team he gathered.

"Seriously, like come on. Anyway, Ambrose wanna be on my team?" The copy-cat blond looked at me with a hopeful look.

I only smirked at him with a chuckle. "I'm here to kick your ass, Noma. I can't exactly do that if we're on the same team." I turned and walked away, waving at him over my shoulder with a "Good Luck Noma!"

I didn't get very far before the back of my shirt was grabbed and soon I was met with blond hair, although I don't know if I preferred the red eyes that I was looking at or the blue ones I was used to seeing on Monoma. I raised an eyebrow at Bakugou and realized that Kirishima and Sero were standing behind him.

"You're on my team you gen ed bastard, so make sure to put your waste of talent to use. I'm not losing this just because you got lazy." The ash blond grumbled as he dragged me so we were facing the other two.

I pouted out that he was mean as Kirishima spoke, his expression shocked.

"Woah! Did Bakubro just admit that someone else has talent?"

Bakugou grit his teeth with a growl before he spoke, his voice borderline shouting. "Of course I did Shitty-Hair! Damn bastard can have any quirk he wants but instead of putting it to good use he's wasting it."

I frowned and looked up at him from where he still had a hold on my shirt collar. "Could you like, not talk about me like I'm not here?"

"Shut up you extra!!" Bakugou shouted in my face before actually assigning who will be where.

To no one's surprise, Bakugo put himself as the rider and I was put as a rear horse with Sero. I sighed and put my free hand on my hip, my other helping to make sure Bakugou didn't fall down, although that would be pretty funny to watch. We had gotten our points headband and now we were just waiting for Midnight to tell us when to start. I chuckled to myself and smirked. 'Let's go wreck some havoc.'

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