Loyalty to Die - Prologue

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*Black screen*

???: Hey, hello there. Just a quick question but do you know what a majority vote is?.

**Select: No**

*Now we see what seems to be a femenine silhouette with a hat on her*

???: How...curious. Why it is one of the most used means to decide!. It essentially plays off voting, the opinion or decision side with most votes wins. Simple as that.

*Now we see a small space with a blue background and green floor where two people, a blue man and a female woman, are standing*

???: Would you look at that, we have some company over there.

Man: Majority votes are needed to show where everybody stands and should stand for the stronger side should have the final decision.

Woman: No they aren't!. All it does is force people to stop standing for what they believe in and instead make them join a side they don't want to be loyal to!.

???: *sigh* Looks like we have some dumb argument over there. That said, i am curious. Who do you favor, people being all loyal to the stronger side or staying loyal to their own side even if it's the minority?

**Select: Woman's Opinion**

*After this we see the blue man dead in the ground*

???: Oh i see, so you prefer free loyalty over a stronger one!. *a bit angry* What do you mean you wouldn't have voted if you knew he'd die? *disappointed look* Guess i'll have to teach you how superiority helps.

*Now we just get to see the ???'s hair which is blonde before magic is summoned and the screen blacks out again as we see two hands nearing the neck of a well known pegasus in Ponyville, Equestria who is just standing near a wall before we black out once more*

**POV: Rainbow Dash.**

RBD: Well, guess that's enough time wasted thinking about whatever that majority thing was. Specially since i already knew what it was, not the name itself, but how it worked. *stretches out a bit* Time to go pick up Scootaloo.

*Now we see from Rainbow's POV a bit of Ponyville as she nears towards the school to pick up Scootaloo and in the meantime checks a bit for security*

RBD: Nothing seems off in the forest...which is good as i'd rather not face that again, oh hey there's Twi's and Pinkie's house before it. Now that that's done time to go pick her up for real.

*After this we move to Ponyville's school(house) where just as Scootaloo is comong out, Rainbow arrives*

Scootaloo: Just in time as always!.

RBD: You know me well squirt, i am always about being the best, which i am.

Scootaloo: Was going to say surprising seeing the gossip of you taking your sweet time to wake up for cloud cleaning, but i'll better stay silent since i don't want to ruin this hehe.

RBD (faking pain expression): Oh come on, you know when it is a duty i do it well on time no matter the time limit. (Back to normal with a grin) That said, i do like seeing how you are gaining some of my traits, the good ones of course, we don't want a repeat of the ghost stories thing do we?.

Scootaloo: *shivers a bit* Sure thing.

RBD: Anyways, how was school?.

Scootaloo: It was normal like usual, nothing to write home about. Just the CMC and myself doing our usual business.

RBD: So a common day, even if boring to us, i do have to agree considering what we go through it is good to have a cool down day.

*After a bit of awkward moment since they both aren't people who per se like calmness they look at each other with grins*

Scootaloo: Ice cream?.

RBD: You read my mind Scoot, now let's go.

*From here, we move all normal till the last third where the duo clearly start competing with Rainbow not going all out to not leave poor Scootaloo lost and this kinda ticking her off since while she gets this, she clearly is not liking so she starts putting in more effort with her scooter which makes Rainbow in return go slowly faster and faster albeit still not push it which prompts Scootaloo to speak*

Scootaloo: *pant pant* You *pant* sure are still stubborn.

RBD: *smiles knowing she got one over her* Anything for your safety squirt. *serious* You want some help?. I don't know if you can---.

Scootaloo: Psh, Who *pant* do you think you are talking *pant* to?. I'm from *pant* the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we are a tough bunch. Plus the ice cream shop *pant* is nearby so let's just get there.

RBD: If you say so...

*After this, the duo resume a normal path to the ice cream shop and enter it, to discover no one in there*

RBD: How odd, you'd think there would be more people in here.
*a bit louder* Hello?!. Anyone here!, me and Scootaloo want some ice cream

Scootaloo: *just like Rainbow* Yeah, and if we don't, then we'll leave and you won't get any money!.

*After repeating this process of loud calling for 2 minutes and getting no answer, the duo look at each other perplexed*

RBD: Wow, they sure must be busy considering how we were speaking loud and they didn't hear us.

Scootaloo: Yeah, and yet, the local is still open so why---

*Rainbow instantly looks around as Scoot looks a bit confused before catching on*

Scootaloo: You don't think---?

RBD: Thieves, yes that is what i am thinking. After all, even if what they sell is just ice cream, they still make money for stealing. Let's get out of here quick before they trap us in.

*The duo rush to the outside with Raimbow carrying Scootaloo on her shoulders...and then feels her going limp*

RBD: Scoot???. *looks at her unconscious form in the ground* Who---

*Right after this, Rainbow gets also knocked out with a blow to the back of the head and as she loses consciousness...*

RBD (thinking): What...did i get us into Scoot?

**Loyalty To Die - A Death Game By Majority**

Loyalty To Die - Death Game by MajorityWhere stories live. Discover now