Loyalty to Die - Chapter 1 Part 1 (1st Trial)

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**Loyalty To Die - Death Game By Majority, Chapter One Part One (First Trial)**

**POV: Rainbow Dash**

RBD: *waking up* Oooongh, where...*looking up at the roof of the room and around it seeing it be all grey coloured with a lamp on the roof and a door on the left*...where am i?.
Ok, i am Rainbow Dash, Ponyville's cloud cleaner, no memory failure that's a good start. I was leaving an ice cream shop with Scootaloo for safety when---

*Rainbow instantly opens her eyes entirely as she looks around*

RBD: Scoot!. Where are you?

*She tries to sit up only to be unable to do so*

RBD: What is---why can i only move my right arm?.

*She then proceeds to touch what is covering her*

RBD (thinking): These feel like those belts that carry luggage only that stiffer.

RBD: Hey!. Whoever trapped me here better lets me go before i find a way to break out of whatever these are and beat the crap out of you all!.

*Rainbow tries to struggle against the belts for a couple of minutes before stopping as fear slowly starts to sink in*

RBD: No...nonono. I've got to be able to get out of here, i am Rainbow Dash, i control the weather daily i can't be stopped by mere belts!. I can't die here, i can't---

???: Ouch ouch...where is this?

*Rainbow instantly stops fearing and turns her eyes to the left where she sees Scootaloo, bandaged in the head, but still alive*

Scootaloo: Rainbow...?. What is going on?

RBD: Squirt!. Thank god you're okay!. You were knocked out by some stooges back at the ice cream shop and i didn't know if you'd be okay---.

Scootaloo: Pfft, ouch ouch *touches her head with her left paw which is free...which prompts Rainbow to do the same with her paws to find out she has her right paw free only*, do not worry about me so much. I am tough, plus, what would the others think if they saw the sunglasses wearing, cool Rainbow Dash worrying for someone else this much?.

RBD: First off, my friends already know i can get emotional when it comes to someone close to me. Second, you literally took a blow to the neck being a kid!. You could have died!.

Scootaloo: Yeah, but i didn't, did i?. So please stop worrying.

*A ring then is heard*

??? (Off-voice): The first trial will now begin.

RBD: First...

Scootaloo (as confused as Rainbow): ...trial?

???: Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, find the hidden key in this room. Then remove your restraints. Do it before the 5 minute time limit has passed, otherwise the device on the beds you are in will activate, crushing you both.
Enjoy this thrill, by all means.

Scootaloo: Oh no oh no oh no!. We're going to die!

RBD (thinking): First trial???. What is going on???...beyond the point we've got 5 minutes to escape!.

*Rainbow instantly searches as far as her paw can reach without any results*

Scootaloo: What are you doin---

RBD: Quick Scoot, we have no time to waste if we want to live!. Search on your side if you find the key!

*Scootaloo nods and proceeds to use her left paw to search for a minute till...*

Scootaloo: Got it!. Got the key!

RBD: Perfect, now give it to me so i can free myself. I'll be able to get this done in time!

Scootaloo: Sure thing!. *hands Rainbow the key*

*After a couple of minutes fighting with the belts, Rainbow frees herself and gets to see on the left wall a code of the "1212" numbers, a reader on the right of the door which is in the wall in front of her and some weird paper clinging to the wall by a cable*

RBD: Speed don't fail me now.

*Rainbow flies and puts in the code which just makes a sound that leaves her confused for a couple of seconds before she keeps moving and tries the key on the bed lock which doesn't work on Scootaloo's end*

RBD: Any ideas Scoot?. Because i have done what the instructions say and there's nothing happening.

Scootaloo: I may have one!. Recall the key, is it fully green or of other color?.

RBD: I think it's green and red now.

Scootaloo: Try using it on that thing clinging to the wall by the cable. If i'm right then it should help us.

RBD: Ok.

*Rainbow then proceeds to friction the key against the wall until...*

RBD: It's red now!. Go go go!

*She then proceeds to, as quick as possible, open Scootaloo's lock and tear off the belts and pulling her out of the bed against the door and not 5 seconds after that...the bed closes in on itself as the duo watch scared before Scootaloo hugs Rainbow*

RBD: Phew that was a close one.

Scootaloo: Thanks for the help, i realy thank you!. I thought i was a goner with how much time has passed!.

RBD: Oh don't worry squirt, after all, even if cutting it close...Rainbow Dash always delivers so don't you fret for i am worthy of being your inspiration aren't i?.

Scootaloo: Y---yeah. Yeah, you're right *now transitioning from the hug to a smile just like Rainbow's* Let's go through the door now seeing how that's the only way out.

RBD: Sure thing!.

*The duo then walks out into a pitch black space yet with floor and after some minutes without direction or end goal in it...*

Scootaloo: Rainbow, might be me but maybe we should stick to the walls so that we can know where we are as we advance.

RBD: Fine by me, plus, we will know if there is multiple roads if so when he walls end.

*The duo proceed to do this for a minute or so till*

Scootaloo: Aaaaa---

RBD: Squirt??? *feeling air below her as she catches herself* Why am i---not the time!.

*Guiding herself by the sound of Scootaloo's voice, Rainbow manages to find her out and puts herself and Scoot out of risk as the two descend slowly till they end up landing on what seems to be a cushion*

RBD: *Panting a bit* Oof, i swear you're going to be the end of me haha.

Scootaloo: Hey, at least you got some practice hehe. Anyways, let's move it to see if we can find who sent us here.

RBD: Sure thing

*The duo then get up and go through a door into what seems a big hallway all blue with some few white lines making squares, some doors like the ones they came through off the left side, three doors on the front wall and then they notice the other 9 people who are talking amongst themselves*

RBD (thinking): Well, isn't this a surprise. Why are there so many people here?. I thought we'd be the only ones caught...and why do none of them look like Scoot or me???.

**Loyalty to Die - Death Game By Majority Chapter One Part One (First Trial) END**

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