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The odd fellow led me down the mountain with ease, sweeping around monster and fatui camps while avoiding any steep areas. There was no visible path all throughout the snowy mountain, though he somehow had created his own with his mind's eye. We did not speak much, but I knew that he wanted to speak to his heart's content. There was occasional small talk, though it always ended in silence that got filled in by the ambient breeze of the blizzard from above the top of the mountain.

We arrived at the foot of Dragonspine, opposite Mingyun Village in Liyue. I had no idea where we were now in Mondstadt, or in Dragonspine, though it seemed to be what I had imagined it to be like. It was hard to tell from Wangshu Inn or Dragonspine because of the distance and blizzard storm that fogged the pastures, but now I could see vibrant green plants through plains and valleys.

Looking back from the complex path we tread, I knew there was no way I would return without many days' worth of wandering. There were camps from farther below, at the foot of the mountain, though we took a turn into pine trees with heavy layers of snow, ready to fall onto any disturbing passerby like a trap.

As he murmured remarks about the sight below, I hesitated. Why was this human being so kind to me? I doubted that he had ill intentions, though could he not tell I posed some danger to be wary of?

He stumbled in the snow as he shifted a thick wooden plank aside, revealing a cave. There was a faint light from within, though it was hard to tell how big this cavern was. He looked back at me, a blatant smile on his features. "We can stay here for a while. I promise it's much better than the other camps you just saw."

Without another word, he ducked to enter the cave, his cape drifting in the wind until it was out of sight. Clutching onto my weapon with a strain, I scoffed before entering. If there was a trap, which I doubted, I knew my years of bloodshed and war would pay off.

Nearly crawling into the cave, I followed the warm light at the end of the tunnel. It was packed tight, my clothes occasionally catching on the wall, grating my weapon which I hauled in front of my vision.

Then I heard it, that familiar tune.

Warm and dull light engulfed the room as he sat at the far end where an opening in the cave gave a view ever so peaceful. A fire was placed in front of him as he hummed, crackling to accompany his voice like a perfect song.

Abandoned bookcases and torches scorched by the cold lay lost in the dirt-mixed snow. The bag he had been carrying lay in a mess, apples, paper, and a lyre nearly falling out along with all other contents containing travelling gear.

He turned to me, holding that same warm smile. "Would you like some hot soup? It'll help warm you up," he offered as he began placing a pot full of snow over the fire.

"Snow soup?" my thoughts slipped out of my mouth as I glanced away, holding my lips firm, growing hotness in my face.

He laughed, shaking his head. "No, no. It's much easier than going to a lake to get water. I'll add other ingredients too. It won't be just water."

"Also, you could put your weapon down over there–but you don't have to! It's much more comfortable next to the fire," he motioned as he began peeling a carrot.

I watched him for a moment more, how his eyebrows fixated when he focused on cutting the vegetables, then placed my spear to rest against the wall, at the doorway. What kind of human openly invites a ransom into their camp? And offering food?

He motioned for me to sit in front of the fire, where mats with worn cloth were folded. "Do sit. Enjoying food while standing isn't ideal."

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