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The following morning, I found myself lying down in my bed, with Venti nowhere in sight. I wanted to believe the night before was simply a dream, but when I moved aside the covers to stand, I saw the field flower smothered under the blanket. 

Looking around the room, there was nothing else that indicated Venti had been there. The window was still open, the curtains drawn aside and whispering in the wind. The floorboards glowed with the sunlight that poured in, making the rest of the room feel warm and welcoming.

I drew towards the window and looked out. Dihua Marsh's waters reflected the afternoon sun because of the ice, but it wouldn't be long before it melted for spring. On a branch that stretched near the window was a familiar viridescent cape. It must have blown away last night.

When I reached out to grab it and pull it from the knots in the branches, I instead heard a voice yelp. Before I could realize Venti was in the tree, he had already begun to fall off.

Time seemed to slow as I met eyes with him, watching as he fell before I leaped from the windowsill to catch him without a moment's hesitation.

"Xiao?!" he exclaimed in disbelief just as his wind glider unfolded to catch the both of us from falling.

We stared at each other for a second before he burst out with laughter. "I didn't think you'd yank me off! I was trying to scare you, but you seemed to catch me off guard first," he smiled.

I wanted to strangle him for scaring me like that, but most importantly, by how he carried me. It didn't feel right to be carried by an archon like a child, though I was grateful neither of us was hurt by the time we floated down to the ground.

Venti let me down and folded back his wind glider. I hadn't noticed before, but underneath his cape was his wind glider stored away. "You didn't have to jump out after me, y'know."

I looked at him like he was insane.

He looked around to make sure no one was around before whispering to me, "I'm an archon, remember? No less, the anemo archon. I could have just floated to safety even if I didn't have my wind glider, though I do appreciate your chivalry, dear Xiao." He poked my chest and walked off.

Dear Xiao?

"What are you waiting for? We have a mission!" he called for me, waving his arms with a smile bright enough that the sun would be jealous.

I followed along and to his side and searched for answers, "What mission?"

Venti halted and spun around to me, "Well, of course, it'd have to be figuring out what you need right now. You've been reduced to this state because of me, so I naturally have to take care of what I started."

I still couldn't catch on to what he meant. What he started? It didn't make sense; how could he have been the cause of what I look like?

"But first," he turned to me and motioned towards my clothes. "It'd probably be best for you to get properly dressed."

If it weren't for him reminding me, I would have walked all around Liyue in my pajamas. I could already feel the day was going to be long.

After the embarrassing experience, fully dressed now, Venti led the way to where he would say would be a secret. Wherever that place may be, even if it was meant to be a surprise, it was clear as day that he was taking me to Liyue Harbour. I pretended not to know where we were going to keep his smile bright, but I couldn't help but become nervous.

What if I were to see Rex Lapis there? Would anyone recognize me and think little of me? Would my karma still hurt those around me?

Then my mind began to wander elsewhere. Why is Venti spending time with me voluntarily? He didn't have to return, but he still did. Why is he helping me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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