#5 the dinner

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This is technically a recap or continuation of the last episode but yeah

Later on, it was officially 9:20 at night. The four decided to teleport there because yknow it's faster.
Dave: here we are at the (the restaurant is called the all nighter)
Bambi: i think I've seen this place before
Dave: wait you have? aw man it was supposed to be a  surprise
Bambi: no I haven't been inside I just saw the outside
Dave: oh ok let's go inside then
The four walk inside the building. It was filled with lots of lights and tables. Not many people were there for some reason.
Dave: OH yeah forgot to tell you guys this place doesn't have many people is because this place is for couples only
Bambi: wait what
Dave: it said it on a website, well if you don't have anyone you can still come, probably because they want the money.
Bambi: oh
They all find a booth and sit down to get ready to order. Soon enough, the brothers start arguing again.

Bandu: no but fr why did you take my phone?
Expunged: why tf do you care for this one phone so much you have other ones
Bandu: because I care for all of them the same
Expunged: they aren't alive tho
Bandu: alive or not they are still precious
Expunged: whatever
Bandu: whatever
Expunged: you trying to start with me?
Bandu: you trying to start with ME.
Then they started arguing. Dave and Bambi eventually got tired of it.
Dave and Bambi: ok that's enough!


Dave: you have been arguing ever since I got here and I'm already tired of it why can't you guys just get along and forget about what happened
Bandu: but-
Bambi: Dave is right you can't keep arguing like this, it can lead to a problem with chaos considering you are both chaos gods.
Bandu: ... okay I'm sorry
Dave and bambi: ...🤨
Expunged: I'm sorry too
Dave: now hug
Bandu and Expunged: *hugs*
Dave: there you go
Expunged: let's just get our food so we can get out of here.
Waitress: hello what would you like to order?
Dave: um I will have the...umm
Bandu: I will have the chicken nuggets
Dave: I'll have it too
Bandu: also a strawberry slushy with two straws
Dave: t-two?
Waitress: okay and what will you two like
Bambi: um I'll have the chicken tenders with a sprite
Expunged: I like sprite I'll take that too
Dave: so we all ordered something to match
Bambi: I guess
Bandu: this is actually fun

Eventually they got their food
Expunged:...I'm going for a walk
Bandu: ok
Dave: Bambi go after him
Bambi: what
Dave: he thinks he can escape
Bambi: ok ig

Expunged was walking away to some bench to sit down.
Bambi: um hey
Expunged: hey why did you follow me again
Bambi: well not because Dave told me to or anything
Expunged: of course he did
Bambi:...(should I tell him yet, i mean this is a good moment)
Bambi: mind if I sit here
Expunged: no Thanks it's okay
Expunged:...so what now
Bambi: can I ask a question
Expunged: yeah you
Bambi: what would you do if I say I liked you?
Expunged: *frozen in shock* wait y-you like me?
Bambi: w-well I just...
Expunged: no it's o-okay
Bambi: wait really
Expunged: y-yeah I had a crush on you
Bambi: this whole time?
Expunged: yeah I just
Bambi: thanks for accepting
Expunged: yw, should we head back now
Bambi: yea
*They hold hands on the way back*

This is the lamest 😢

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