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"So how does the pie taste?" asked an elementary school boy. He seemed to be in sixth grade. He was holding a plate that was empty and its contents was emptied on a girl who was wearing the same uniform as him and was covered in chocolate pie.

"Why? Why do you always do this? I haven't done anything to you," stated the girl. Her eyes were filled with tears but wasn't rolling down her cheeks.

"Well, you piss me off for many reasons," stated the boy. "One, even though you are one year younger than me you act as if you are smarter than me. As if I am a complete dumbass. Two, you are dating the basketball team captain whom I really hate. And three, I hate people who have everything."

This boy was the soccer team captain. He always seemed to bully this kohai of his. The girl didn't tell anyone about his bullying her. She didn't even tell anyone that he was the cause of her breaking her leg in the school trip. She told everyone that she tripped and fell of a rock when the truth is that he pushed her of the small hill. Because of her staying silent, he never stops himself from hurting her.

"KUKAI! YOU ROTTEN BRAT!," screamed someone. the scream was directed to the sixth grade student. Currently he was in his house with four of his elder brothers. The eldest, Kaidou was the one talking to him. "You rotten kid. Now I know why mum died. She was so ashamed that she died the time when you were born!," spat Kaido with so much cemon that it scared hell out of him.

"I don't think that's the case. Maybe he killed mum just like he killed the little girl. Now that I think about it, maybe that's the reason dad abandoned us and married again, you are FILTHY!" stated Unkai, Kukai's third elder brother.

"You are a murderer. Don't ever show your face to us. EVER." said Rento, the fourth brother.

Kukai woke up panting hard. He was sweating like the time after his soccer practice. He looked around the room frantically. That's weird. He doesn't have this dream often. Normally he has this nightmare twice or thrise a year. For four years it was like that. But from the beginning of this year, he has been having this dream or nightmare once a week. "I was so stupid," said Kukai running his hand through his hair. "I killed the girl I love. Seriously I wish I would take her place" The clock said it was 4:10 am. Kukai forced himself to lay down on his bed. But he couldn't sleep. Even now he regret what he did. The face of his first crush kept coming back to his mind. Though he couldn't remember her face properly, he at least remembered her bright golden orbs.


A little girl was sitting on a chair in the hospital outside the ICU. She seemed to be in second grade. Her face was coated with dried tears. She was holding both of her hands in a prayering manner and was desperately calling for the God. "Please.. please Kami sama, please let my onee chan be okay. I will never ever fight with her. Please.." saying that fresh new tears started to pour down.

Her mother, a woman wearing glasses was beside her. She was crying and screaming and another woman about 25 years old having reddish hair was trying to calm her down. Her father was standing near the door of the ICU. When the doctor came out of the door, her father nearly attacked him with questions.

The doctor was wearing a frantic expression. He not so calmly said that their daughter just regained consciousness. He couldn't say anymore as both the mother and the father went inside the ICU. The red haired woman took the little girl inside as well. A man the same age as the red haired woman followed them inside. He had golden eyes like her parents and onee chan.

"Oka san... I am so sorry. I was just a black sheep in the family," brokenly said the little girl's onee chan.

"What are you talking about? Please stop it. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise, I promise," cried the mother.

Then the girl lying in the bed with many needled attached to her looked at the little girl. "Ami.." she said barely above a whisper. The man that followed them inside gave Ami a push and Ami stumbled near her sister. "Ami.." said the girl again.

"What is it, oneechan?" asked Ami trying so hard not to cry.

"I...I am so ..sorry."

"What?" asked Ami.

"I am so sorry..I.. I couldn't be a nice sister to you. I couldn't be proper elder sister to you. I am so sorry I can't be with you anymore. Ple..please forgive me," said her onee chan.

"What are you talking about?" Ami screamed. "What are you talking about? You are not planning on leaving me, right? can't leave CHAN."

Suddenly her sister started to breath erratically. The doctor pushed Ami to a side to check on her. Her parents started asking the doctor what was happening to their daughter. Ami looked at the machine that shows people's heartbeat. The image it was showing wasn't normal. It meant her sister's breathing was slowing down, right? No, that can't be happening. Her sister can't be dying. The image turned into a straight line. A long beeeeeeeep sound was heard

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