I don't know what to think

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Randy is putting movies on shelves at his work when out of nowhere comes Stu and he stands and the roller with the movies knocking some off.

They were talking about thinking that Billy is the killer.

"He's got killer printed all over his forehead" Randy said

"Oooh ok really?! Then why'd the cops let him go smart guy?" Stu said mockingly

"Because obviously they don't watch enough movies, this is standard horror movie stuff from night revisited man."

"Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?" Stu asks

"There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill the girlfriend that's the beauty of it all simplicity. Besides if it gets to complicated you lose your target audience "

"What's his reason" Stu says

"Maybe she wouldn't have sex with him" Randy replied

"Haha what is she saving herself for you?"Stu asks

"Maybe. Now that we're talking about it, Do you think Y/N would go out with me?" Randy asked

"Haha haha"Stu starts making fun of him
"No i don't at all, no." Stu says
You know what? Stu leans closer I think it's her father. I mean why can't they find her pops man? Stu says

"Because he's probably dead, he'll probably pop up in the last reel somewhere. Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out. ("Come on man" Stu says quietly a little embarrassed ")See the police are always off track with this shit, if they watched prom night they'd save time. There's a formula, a very simple formula, EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!" Randy says

Stu makes a gesture putting his thumb and index finger to his mouth sucking in and then waving his hand away gesturing that randy was high. (Which he was not)

"I'm telling you the dad's a red heric it's Billy"
Then someone grabs his shirt and pulls him forward scaring him

It's Billy

"How do we know you're not the killer? Huh? HUH?
Maybe your movie freaked mind list it's reality button ever think of that?"

"You're absolutely right I'm the first to admit it, if this were a scary movie I'd olbe the prime suspect "

And what would your motive be?Stu asks

"It's the millennium, motives are incidental."

"Hmm the millennium, it's the millennium I like that, it's the millennium. Good kid" Billy says walking off

"You're telling me that's not a killer?"  Randy asks Stu looking terrified

To be continued......

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