24 - r u n n i n g

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I opened my eyes to the distant thumping that distinctly sounded like a hollow door banged upon, but that couldn't be right. The servants of I'jei-Cai would come get me before they'd disturb Charzaphir. I took over the chores of body servant while we waited for the Forne's quarters to be righted, repaired, and made livable again. We ate many of our meals together, along with Ghimizar while they informed me of the next day's tasks and to help me choose and dress, yes, dress Charzaphir. It mortified us both in the beginning, but we learned to move beyond it. Well, he did anyhow. My tasks always ended with my red-faced embarrassment, but it was too early in the morning to come seeking their Forn unless something was dreadfully wrong.


Oh God! Jess! I bolted up in my bed in a panic. I came back! I left Charzaphir! My fingers immediately searched for the ring that normally adorned my right hand as Forne. There was nothing there and the banging continued.

"Isak! Open the fucking door!" Another loud thump. "I wasn't kidding about the conditions! Isak!" The noise sounded like her kicking the door. "Open up!"

I pushed back the covers and hurried to the entrance. I opened it to an angry Jess and she pushed her away into my apartment.

"Stupid!" She smacked my arm. "Idiot!" She smacked my arm again. "Did you think I was kidding, that Mom and Dad weren't serious? You didn't show up to work for two days! You didn't tell them you were going to be out. You-"

"Two days?" I interrupted. "It's only been two days? Not months?"

"Are you trying to be funny?" she snapped. "It's not!"

"It's only been two days?"

"You lost your job!"

"Good! That job was a soul-sucking experience. I don't miss it! I never will."

"Will you miss your freedom? Mom and Dad weren't joking! I can't protect you if you do stuff like this. I can't tell them you just messed up again. They won't accept that and honestly, they shouldn't. You may only be nineteen, but that's old enough to understand and not fuck it up."

"You can't commit me just because I live in a way that no one approves," I shouted. "I am not incompetent. I'm not a danger to myself or anyone else! I'm-"

"When you don't take your meds, yes, you are." I scowled at her. "If you..." she trailed off and sighed in defeat. "You're going to throw it all away because you have this delusion of a man-"

"It's not a delusion! Stop treating me like I'm crazy because I'm not."

"Those were the terms-"

"I found a place that I'm happy. I found-"

"A place that doesn't exists. Damn it, Isak! I love you, but no one can do this anymore. We don't want to see you throw it all away just from some rebellious act that you refuse-"

"You gave me the restrictions! You gave me the rules!" I shrugged. "I didn't follow the guidelines." I shrugged again. I was tired. I was done. "Wash your hands of me."

"Why are you being like this?"

"I'm not staying long."

She stared at me. She brushed her hair out of her face and smacked me again. "Idiot!"

"Stop attacking me, Jess!"

"Stop being an asshole! You said that you'd try. You said that you'd maintain a job, that you-"

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