25 - e x p l a n a t i o n s

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I opened my eyes to see the familiar rafters of the Forne's quarters. I felt an immediate rush of relief and joy as the ring on my finger glowed. I brought it to my lips and brushed it across the stone lightly. A cough from the next room caught my attention. I leaped to my feet and charged over to the passage and peered into the space to see Charzaphir asleep at the desk. The desk?! Why wasn't he in the bed where he belonged? His expression was uneasy in his sleep. The color of his skin was pale. He looked haggardly. How long had I been gone from here? Why did he look so terrible? Xumerion sat on a chair across the room dozing. I scowled in her direction as I approached him.

"Charzaphir?" I whispered.

His eyes popped open at my low tone. Xumerion sprang from her chair with her sword drawn and a dagger ready to slice my throat. He stared at me in shock and surprise, then the anger took over. I was familiar with the anger. I backpedaled as quickly as I could to escape from Xumerion as she marched towards me, murderous intent in her eyes as she loomed closer at me. Fury. I seemed to do that a lot to everyone around me, but this seemed different than the last time.

Xumerion slammed me into the wall with the dagger pressed against my skin. I could feel its pressure and I dared not swallow for fear she'd slit my throat. She could always claim it was an accident, an overzealous approach, that I startled her. It wouldn't bring me back from the dead, but she'd have a chance against his ire if he actually reprimanded her for it. I couldn't see what he did, for I feared taking my eyes of Xumerion. I was no fool. She was deadly and in a rage that I returned.

I chanced a brief glance in Chazaphir's direction. He stared at me. It almost seemed like anger mixed with relief. He struggled with his words and motioned Xumerion away from me. She hesitated and looked as though she were about to refuse his command. He gestured a second time and gave her a pointed look. She backed away muttering to himself as I stepped forward and without a second thought knelt before him. I may not have necessarily needed to do so, but it seemed to having a calming effect on the man, even though he was still furious at me. I imagined my disappearances vexed him as much as it did my family.

Xumerion smiled to herself. Perhaps this would be the final straw and he'd break with me and give her what she so desperately wanted. I didn't understand why. He didn't have feelings for her. Granted, he didn't have any feelings for me either when he made me his Forne, so who knew? Finally, he stopped pacing before me and whirled about, stomping up to me.

"Where have you been? You disappeared for months!" I was silent. What could I say? "How did you get into the keep without anyone stopping you? Why did no one bring you to me? How dare you enter my personal chambers so quietly that no one knew you were here. You bypassed my guards! Why aren't you saying anything? You show up and you have no explanation to give me?"

He was right of course. How did I explain this unique situation? I couldn't explain it to myself or to the people I interacted with. It wasn't as though I could perform a parlor trick and disappear in front of him to prove it. We didn't slept in the same quarters, so there was no way for him to see it, and besides even if he did sleep in the same bed, I doubt it would make any difference. It hadn't when my sister had slept in the room with me to observe. She never saw it happen. She said she'd wake up and I'd be gone. She said she could never understand where I went or how I did because the deadbolt and chains on the doors were still engaged. The windows were all locked from the inside.

In spite of that, she chose to believe that there was something medically wrong with me. Maybe I am crazy and it's all in my head and I shouldn't trust myself. No one else did. I opened my mouth to say something, but he held up his hand silencing me before I could say anything.

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