chapter 1 Leo

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Leo's POV

In our world there are different types of creatures. But humans think they are superior and treat others as thrash . He even divide his own kind on the basis of colour, religion, race, etc.......
Day by day his selfishness is growing .
Still....there exist some real 'HUMANS'.If you are one of them then this story is for you.........
Actually this is not just an ordinary story, this is my life story.......


As usual after working for one week nonstop I got a day off from work.
So I decided to chill in my favorite cafe.

I don't know why,
but that place always give me a different Vibe.
It is my comfort zone.

In this busy world...... Who wouldn't like to spent some time for himself?

At first it was like any other normal Sunday morning.
But everything got changed when some liquid splashed over my shirt...........

I was startled by the sudden coldness and I turned around in a split second, there was a girl glaring at me......

o.... She was trying to burn me with her gaze.

"what the hell are you doing? "

I couldn't help but ask that to the culprit. But instead of answering my question she kicked my foot with her 4 inch high healed footwear and said,

"you will regret snatching him away from me bastard"

Then shooooooo

She ran away in rocket speed. I was so shocked by her behavior, but before i could recover from my shock someone suddenly attacked me by punching my face.

At that particular moment i literally thought it was some ' punching day ' or something.
because from the beginning random peoples are experimenting my durability like I am a fu*ing public punching bag .

In the corner of my eyes i saw him raising his fisted hand to punch me again like a mad person (which is true ).

But before he could do that some people's took him away.

When they dragged him from there 
He yelled top of his lungs Something like
"you don't know who i am "
“you have to pay for this bas*ard”

I didn't hear him clearly because
I was  very busy counting the stars and butterflies around my head.

Huff that man was so strong...........

After recovering from my shock, anger took over me.
I was angry.
Very very angry. But it wasn't because of that punch,
it was because i let him do that.

I was ashamed of myself for not reacting and that thought raised the anger inside me even higher.........

So in the thought of finding him and returning his 'unwanted gift',
I walked towards the exit.

But before I could run after that old man a soft hand grabbed my wrist........
so I turned around and saw a boy..............
He slightly trembled and hold my wrist tightly with his small fingers .

And when i looked at his face his tears filled eyes caught my attention.
When a tear drop rolled down through his pink dusted cheeks, my hands itched to Wipe that out of his beautiful face.

‘He is a beauty ’

When Iwas busy looking at his beautiful face,the stranger said

"can we talk outside "

Without waiting for my reply he drag me outside. To my surprise i also followed him without objecting like how a puppy would follow his master .

What the hell is I am doing......

Did I just compared myself to a damn puppy?


★The first 3chapters will be short, but the upcoming chapters will be long

I know this chapter is not good but i will try to improve myself ☺️

Thank you for giving it a look

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Bye bye see you soon 😁😁

With ❤

Note:so after rereading this story i found that this is the worst chapter 😭🙃

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