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Tw mentions of: Jealousy, abuse, attempted murder

Sapnap has never actually felt truly loved, everyone who said they cared for him lied and hurt him either by leaving him or abusing him, he generally thought his parents cared for him until they ||tore his horns off his head and cut his tail off||, He nearly died but his neighbors had saved him, his parents didn't get charged though so they kept abusing him, ever time he had a friend, he wouldn't let them touch him until he actually felt safe, And fun fact Sapnap will flinch at anything, he's just so scared of getting hit and he has never told anyone and I mean anyone! About him being a demon or ever having horns and a tail

Sapnap used to have Horns and a tail until his parents cut off his tail and he wasnt able to grow it back and they also ripped the horns off and it nearly killed Sapnap, Sapnap has only told Punz about it and no one else

Sapnap gets really jealous when someone he knows talks about them dating someone or liking someone because as far as he knows no one has loved him like his friends get loved, He just breaks down when he hears things like that, He thinks he is completely unlovable since no one has even tried to be with him, He also hates being left out of the activities he used to do with his friends because now they have a bf/gf and they do that stuff without him he just gets really emotional, He can't even handle being alone for long and if he is he just returns the things he took from his friends because he feels that they want their things back so they could give them to their lovers while he is left behind and forgotten

Sapnap has had a terrible family and life, he's been single his whole life because he believed he was fat after getting body shamed for years, He kept getting rejected my guys and girls, And soon enough his life at home got worse, his parents started acting more ||abusive|| and they drank a lot and hit sapnap. Which cause Sapnap to use his bandana to hide the scars on his eyes, but when he met Bad and got to know him, He grew fond of having a actual good father figure again so he will call Bbh Dad when he feels down or just really wants to tell him something

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