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-Jasmine's pov-

It is currently 9:30 AM and I'm getting ready for the day. I'm going to Momona's house to hang out with her, Xochitl, and Mckenna. I was supposed to go to her house around 11 or 12 but I'm running errands with my mom, so I won't be there until like 1 now. I did my skin care routine and got dressed, then my mom and I were off on our way to the store.

-Walker's pov-
It was now 12:30 and all 4 of us were in Mo's room just talking and hanging out. I thought they said that Jasmine would be here but surprisingly she wasn't.

"Didn't you say your friend Jasmine was going to be here?" I questioned.

"Yeah she's coming she just had to go to the store with her mom first" Momona replied.

"Wait did any of us even tell her Walker was joining us?" Xochitl asked us.

"Uhh, unless any of you guys did no.." Momona replied.

"Actually I'll text her now, she wouldn't mind anyways." She added.


Hey Jasmine

Hey Mo!

So I kind of forgot to tell
you that our friend Walker
would be hanging with us.

Oh cool
Walker Scobell right?

Yeah is that fine

Yea ofc! See you in a bit!

-Jasmine's pov-

I was finally at Mo's house. I walked up the stairs to her house door and rung the door bell.

"Hi Mrs.Tamada I'm here to hang with Mo is she here?" I asked her mother who answered the door.

"Hi Jasmine! Yes she is just upstairs in her room" she informed me.

I thanked her and then walked up the stairs to her room, and knocked on the door before entering. All though she was expecting me, and told me multiple times just to walk in, I still always knock before entering.

As I entered I was greeted with hellos and hugs from my 3 friends. After all 3 of them had greeted me I turned to see a blonde boy standing shyly.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine. I'm guessing you Walker" I said sticking my hand out for his to shake.

-Walker's pov-

"Oh yea, uhh that me. It's nice to meet you." I shook her hand awkwardly.

Omg what was that! You looked stupid! I thought to myself.

She then turned around and sat on Mo's bed.

"So what were you guys doing before I came?" She questioned.

"Nothing really we were just kind of talking. We didn't want to start anything till you were here." Mckenna informed the girl.

"Do you guys want to go to the beach?" Xochitl asked the group.

"Sure" the 3 other girls replied.

"Yeah sure. But I didn't bring a bathing suit." I said

"We can just stop at your house on the way there." Momona replied.


𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now