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After the four went to the mall they went back to Hoppers cabin for a sleepover. Kenedy and Max were singing and dancing to Taylor Swift while Lucy and El were looking at some magazines.

"Oh you found Ralph Macchio." Max says to El. "Machio?" El says confused. "Yeah hes the karate kid. Hes so hot right?"

"Oh my god honestly his is." Lucy agrees. "I bet hes an amazing kisser too." Max adds. "Hey Lucy, is Mike a good kisser?" Max asks and Lucy blushes. "I mean yeah I guess, sometimes he'd go-"

"Do not go into detail please." Kenedy interrupts. Lucy sighs and flops into the bed. "I kinda miss him."

"Hey don't worry about it. Okay? He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. I guarantee you, him and Lucas are like, totally wallowing in self pity and misery right now. They're like, oh, I hope they take us back." Max says mocking Mike and Lucas, making the girls laugh.

"God, what it would give to see their stupid faces." Max says and El looks like she has an idea. "Oh, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lucy says and El put on a blindfold, turned on some white noise, and sits on the floor while Kenedy explains to Max what shes gonna do.

"Is this really gonna work?" Max asks and El nods her head. "Holy shit, this is insane."


"Yeah, quiet, sorry."

"I see them." El says after a minute. "What are they doing?" Max asks. "Eating." El replies.

"I just don't understand what I did to deserve this." they hear Mikes voice coming out of the speaker.

An: shh pretend this happened

"Nothing. Nothing. Thats my whole point. You are the victim here." Lucas says. "Wow. And to think I called him one of my favorites." Lucy mumbles.

"I know its just, why is she treating me this way? What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?!"

"Jesus Mike shut up. You lied stupid. You tried gaslighting the gaslight gatekeep girlboss. Now you caused a fire. Get it, cause like, gaslighter, fire." Sam says and Lucy chuckles but the boys ignore him.

"Mike relax. Just relax. Okay? Stop asking rational questions."

"I know, I know, you're right."


"Because women act on emotion and not logic."

"What?!" Max Lucy and Kenedy yell.

"Precisely. Its a totally different species." Lucas agrees.

"I swear to god." Max mumbles.

"Guys, its ready."

"Will, Not right now."

"They broke up with you! What else is there to talk about?"

"Will my icon." Lucy says.


"Yeah, we're trying to solve the great mystery of the female species."

"This is why I hate men." Kenedy says.

"Dude, you can smell the nacho cheese." Mike says after he burps.

"Why the hell did my sister date you."

"Honestly." Lucy agrees.

"I got that beat Mike."


"Oh no."

"No Lucas no."


"Lucas! Lucas!" and Lucas farts loudly and El takes off the blindfold and starts laughing. "I think I just lost brain cells." Lucy says and they all start laughing until they hear a car pull up.

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