The Decision

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"If you want your hair to be knot free you have to sit still." Albus said for the tenth time that morning.

"You have already said that." Artemis pointed out innocently.

Albus couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend as he entered the kitchen.

He came over and placed a kiss on top of both Artemis and Albus' heads.

"Morning." Scorpius sang.

"Hello- ow Dad." Artemis frowned placing a hand upon her head where Albus pulled the brush through.

"Sorry! I can't do anything about it,"Albus shrugged, "It's done now anyway."

"Thank all the gods." Artemis simply said and hoped down from her chair to run up to Scorpius.

"Alright, amour?" Scorpius asked sweetly as he placed a gentle hand on her head.

"Yes." Artemis said before smirking at Albus, "Well, apart from having my SCALPED RIPPED OUT I am perfectly fine."

Albus rolled his eyes kind-heartedly at his daughter raising her voice to prove a point.

Scorpius snorted, "I wonder where you picked up on how to be dramatic?"

Albus looked up from putting the hairbrush away to see his boyfriend looking accusingly at him, he knew it was all fun in games so he went along with it as he always did, "Who? Me? Noooo."

As he expected Artemis fell into a fit of giggles.

Scorpius looked at his watch, "Come on we need to get going."

Artemis groaned but before she could say anything Scorpius spoke first, "Here is a little challenge for you." Artemis looked up, excitement written all over her face, "You are not allowed to complain about your teacher the whole walk to school."

Artemis rolled onto the kitchen floor dramatically and plopped a hand on her forehead, "Dear father I do not know what I ever did to you to deserve this fate. Personally, I think Dad should be the one punished for trying to murder my beautiful hair."

Albus heard Scorpius tut as he pulled her off the floor into his arms.

Albus muttered loud enough for the both of them to hear, "Get over it."

He just manged to hear a response as his family walked out the door, "I HEARD THAT."

After a few minutes of lounging about, Albus went to the kitchen to clean up from breakfast. He put all the bowls and glasses into the sink followed by the spoons then with a flick of his wand he made them wash themselves.

He went to throw the Daily Prophet in the bin that Scorpius was reading this morning when one of the pictures caught his eye.

It was the whole Potter family his parents to his nieces and nephews. His nieces and nephews. Merlin there was a lot of them. There was also Mae and Oliver in the photo along with, of course, Lily and James. There was at least four children surrounding James and Mae with an additionally baby in Mae's arms. Albus knew James and Mae wanted a few kids so it wasn't a big shock, but Lily and Oliver had what looked like twins around Artemis' age. He never understood if Lily had wanted kids. Some days she was more 'yeah maybe' but other days it was a definite no.

He sat down and examined the picture more carefully, all of James' kids had curly brown hair (like Mae) apart from one of the younger girls' who had ginger hair identical to James'. Lily and Oliver's kids both had golden hair like Oliver but Albus couldn't see any of their faces.

A sudden guilt washed over him. He wasn't sure why, he had seen at least three pictures over the ten years of them but this time it's different. Although he does knows why, he knows himself now. He doesn't feel any jealousy to James or Lily anymore. He has his own family and he gets to work in the Department of Mysteries- which has always been a dream job of his.

He stands up and walks over to the fireplaces and floos Draco.

"Are you busy?" Albus asks.

"No. Is everything alright?" Draco asks kneeling down in front of the fireplace, "Is Scorpius alright? Artemis?"

Albus scoffed resulting in floo powder going up his nose, "Yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

"Great," Draco said dryly.

Albus sighed, "Can you contact my parents and tell them I want to see them again." He paused, "And my siblings."

Draco's face was pure shock, "Sorry what? Please repeat."

"Er no."

"Um. Yeah. Okay, of course." Draco nodded slowly, most likely comprehending what Albus just said, "What made you change your mind?"

"I saw them in the prophet. I don't feel jealous anymore as I have my dream job and dream family." Albus replied easily, knowing exactly what Draco was going to say.

"Not soppy at all." Draco smirked, "I will go talk to them now. Goodbye Potter."

"Doesn't mean you can call me that now." Albus rolled his eyes but Draco just waved.

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