The Reunion

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"Hey Scorp," Albus said. He entered the living room where Artemis was playing happily with a few dolls while Scorpius was engaged in a book.

Scorpius hummed in response clearly not going to listen to a word Albus is going to say unless he takes that damn book away. So, of course, being the lovely boyfriend he is, he does just that. He snatched the book from Scorpius' hand and threw it on the floor narrowly missing Artemis' head.

"Hey!" Scorpius exclaimed, "That could of hit Artemis on the head."

Albus turned to look at his daughter- who was now looking at them- confused by all the commotion, "Artemis did that book hit you on the head?"

Artemis' strawberry brows furrowed, "No."

"So did Dad hurt you?"


Albus smiled then turned back to Scorpius, "See? Perfectly fine."

Scorpius nodded slowly, "You can play with your toys again, Art. Ignore your dad."

Artemis still looked sceptical but did go back to her forgotten Barbies.

Albus plopped onto the sofa next to Scorpius. Automatically his boyfriend looped and arm around his shoulder while Albus squeezed his own arm between the sofa cushions and Scorpius' waist.

"As I was about to say before you accused me of child abuse." Albus rolled his eyes playfully.

"I didn't acus-"

"I may have told your dad that I want to see my family again." Albus said flatly.

"What?!" Scorpius frowned, "We talked about that the other night and you seemed pretty stubborn about not seeing them. Hell, I didn't think you even thought about them!"

Albus nodded trying to keep the smirk off his face, "Your right, I didn't spear them much thought but then yesterday I saw them in the prophet and it kind of made me realise that I don't feel any jealousy anymore and don't feel betrayed by my mum and dad."

"So after all this time I could of just shoved a picture in your face?" Scorpius asked innocently.

"I just said all of those kind, cheesy things about my family. Which takes a lot of effort! And you just say a sarcastic comment. That's just low, Scorpius. That is just low." Albus said shaking his head, fake disappointment on his face.

Scorpius rolled his eyes, "Okay. Seriously, I am very proud of you for coming to terms with your feelings-" Albus flicked his hair- "So when are we seeing them?"

"Oh. They are coming here after lunch." Albus said simply, It didn't seem like a big deal.

Scorpius groaned, tipping his head back, "Short notice."

Albus shrugged, "Better start doing your thing where you clean every little thing that doesn't need cleaning. Would you like be to summon the cleaning supplies?"

"No. I am not going to do that. Instead we are going to tell Artemis that she will be meeting her grandparents and Uncle and Aunt. And maybe goduncle?"

Albus shook his head, "No Teddy can't come. Busy with work."

Scorpius nodded his head.

"What?" Artemis asked turning her head, clearly blocked out her dads' whole conversation.


The family heard a knock at the door after they finished tiding up from lunch.

"Er no." Albus decided.

"Er yes." Scorpius said while giving Albus a gentle shove towards the door.

Albus turned back to Scorpius while he held the door handle, Artemis gave him an encouraging smile (so did Scorpius).

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