The Family

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Albus heard the second knock at the door for this week, it was only Tuesday. He knew who it would be though. The whole Potter family.

He opened the door and immediately saw a flash of blue hair, Teddy. The blue-haired man pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hi Teddy." Albus greeted awkwardly.

"Hi Albus." Teddy replied, squeezing him harder.

"Let the man breathe, Edward." Victoire scolded. That was the voice Albus was secretly most excited to hear.

Teddy let go, knowing that the favourite cousins wanted a hug.

Albus quickly looked around his front door at all the people standing there. His mum, dad, James, Lily, Mae, Oliver and all of the children.

"Alright?" Vic said giving him a quick hug. They were never a fan of hugs, but neither was Albus before Scorpius came along and made him soft. Although, he didn't appreciate them often from anyone but Artemis and Scorpius.

"Yeah, thank." Albus smiled, he liked the way Vic always kept it simple. They haven't seen each other in ten years, yet they greet him like they saw each other yesterday.

Albus turned to meet Mae's dark eyes.

She smiled softly at him and also gave him a hug, "I'm so glad your alright."

Albus was shocked, "Really? Even after the argument I had with your husband yesterday? Or did he not tell you?"

Mae pulled back and rolled her eyes playfully, "Yes, he told me about your argument. I'm not surprised, I knew he or Lily would come home with anger on the tip of their tongue."

Albus nodded, "That's fair."

Albus turned to face Oliver, he nodded once. Albus smiled and nodded back. He knew Oliver was definitely not a hugger. Most likely coming from living with Evan Rosier as a grandfather (and the only relative still alive to take care of him).

Scorpius came over to them all with Artemis in his arms, she was resting her head on his shoulder, "Why don't we all go down to the beach. We have a picnic blanket which we can extended and I am sure all the kids would like to play down there."

Scorpius was looking at Lily and Oliver's kids who were eyeing the sand.

James was the only one who spoke but everyone nodded, "Yeah that sounds good."


Once everyone was at the beach, all the adults sat on the magically extended picnic blanket while the children played with each other. Artemis was a bit hesitant at first but the twins welcomed her into their group. They were running up and down the beach, racing the tide.

Everyone sat in silence before James spoke, directly at Albus, "I am really sorry for yesterday."

Albus nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

Scorpius clapped once, "Great, now that you sorted that out by yourselves. I am curious what everyone does for work?"

"Of course. Scorpius the work-acholic has to know everything about everyone's jobs." Albus muttered resulting in a half-hearted slap from Scorpius on the shoulder.

Mae giggled, "No I get that. I don't do much work, I sell my paintings now and again but I am more of a housewife."

James nodded, "I am the head of the Auror Department as you know."

Lily smiled as Scorpius looked at her, "I work in the Control of Magical Creatures department."

"What about you Oliver?" Scorpius asked kindly. He was looking over at here the kids were playing.

"Oh, sorry. I am a lawyer, I mainly work from home so I can watch over the twins." Oliver explained.

"Teddy? Vic?" Albus encouraged.

"I am a Healer at St Mungos while Vic is all over the world dealing with dragons." Teddy sighed.

Vic nodded proudly, "I work with Uncle Charlie a lot."

Ginny was clearly happy her children were all communicating and interested in each other, "What about you two? Albus and Scorpius?"

"I work at a small magical hospital near here." Scorpius explained. Teddy was grinning so widely Albus thought his teeth might fall out.

Harry turned to look at his son curiously.

"Everyday I go back to the ministry and work in the Department of Mysteries. The only people who know that- in the ministry- are the heads of all the departments and important ministry officials including Aunt Hermione. Sorry Dad. She agreed it would probably be best if people didn't know I worked in the DOM even if I didn't move away."

Everybody mouths were wide open apart from Harry and Ginny's, "Yeah, we know where you work."

"What? How?" Albus frowned, looking at Scorpius like he knows all the answers, but, of course, he didn't and just shrugged.

"Albus, I obviously know the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, he let it slip one day but by than I knew to keep quiet and not interfere with your life unless necessary. Like you wished."

Albus felt like he had been stunned, "Oh, um. Thank you."

His father nodded at him.

"Artemis seems sweet." Mae commented, she was looking over at all the cousins. Artemis was smiling away at the twins as they hopped along together, most likely in a hopping race.

Albus nodded proudly, "She really is. Definitely got a bit of darker side though."

James chucked, "Don't all kids? Even Kara can be a bit of a trouble maker now and again. Not as much as Henry and Charlotte. And definitely not the twins."

"Yeah, yeah. We know." Oliver laughed.

Albus arched an eyebrow at his sister, "Oh? Got a few trouble makers?"

"Yes. Shut up." Lily said simply.

"My kids are all perfect." James said as Kara came over and sat right by his side, in response James placed a kiss to her temple.

"Even Henry and Charlotte?" Kara asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, just because they can cause a little bit of trouble doesn't mean they aren't perfect!" James defended.

"I'm perfect." Kara smiled cheekily.

"Don't you worry Kara, I am pretty sure your Dad already knows." Oliver smirked, poking a finger into her side.

She giggled in response.

Slowly all the kids came back. Artemis immediately sat in Albus' lap while Aster went to sit with Oliver and Leo to Lily.

Albus watched as Aster snuggled right up to Oliver, "Daddy's girl?" Albus asked his sister.

"Oh Absolutely! She worships the ground Oliver walks on." Lily agreed.

"I wonder where she gets that from?" Scorpius joined in on the conversation as he wrapped his arm around Albus' shoulder, "I faintly remember someone also be attached to their Dad's hip?"

"Hey, Daddy's girl and proud!" Lily defended herself.

Leo giggled loudly in her lap, reaching up to play with the ends of her red hair.


After dinner, Harry stood up and casted a heating spell around them after he got a bit dark.

They all lied down on the blanket and looked up at the stars. Albus and Scorpius' fingers slowly found each other's and joined.

Albus could just about hear Artemis telling Leo and Aster about how she was named after a Greek goddess.

"You okay?" Scorpius whispered.

"I think so." Albus admitted.

"Good." Scorpius smiled, leaning up to kiss Albus' lips softly.

Tout allait bien. Pour l'instant.

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