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Max had always been amazing at Karting, his dad, Jos made sure of that. When he first started Max spun out from the lead. After the race Jos shouted at Max. " You need to improve fast or else I will do something unbelievable." Shouted Jos. " I'm sorry Papa, I am trying hard it's just that all of the other drivers have more experience then me." Said Max. Jos then turned around to face Max and slapped him around the face. Jos then walked away leaving a crying Max. He only found out that his relationship with his father was not good when he turned thirteen. As the years went by Jos started to hit Max more if he didn't achieve a race win. This made Max very very insecure.
Max never had any friends with anyone while he was in Karting. His father made sure that no one would ever undermine his son. This made Max to start to look at his rival, Charles Leclerc. Max wanted the affection that Charles had. Max wanted the joy that Charles had. Max wanted a dad like Charles has. When Jos started to see his son look at Charles he pulled him aside and said,"What on earth do you think you're doing? You better stop looking at that gay boy over there. I never pushed you this hard to have a gay son."
"Im sorry Papa it just that......" Max finished mid sentence to a very hard blow to his face. Jos looked at Max with disgust and walked away muttering something in Dutch, leaving a once again crying Max Verstappen. After Jos had hit Max, Max started to find himself interested in Charles more. His fathers word, "Gay." Had hit Max fast. Charles could not be gay. Or is Max gay? No he couldn't be he is Max Verstappen for gods sake. Or could he?

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