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I awake up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring 'Can You Feel My Heart' by BMTH.
I groaned annoyingly then left to find my annoying mum cooking breakfast in an annoying way.

On my way to school, I sigh annoyingly. Was it true? Was he really Y/Ns boyfriend? You had though she already had a girlfriend but as it turned it was just her friend who didn't want you to talk to her.

My pitch black orbs flash in the sunlight. I was distracted in my own thoughts until somebody casted a shadow over me.

I look up, annoyed with whoever it was until... IT CANT BE... IT HIM?!? HER BOYFRIEND???!?!!??!!??!??!?!!???!??

'Come with me'

You annoyingly follow him into some alley way just a short walk away from your school.

'So what did yo...'

Your sentence was cut short as he slammed you against the wall and you fell into the trash bins near you.

He curled his lips in an annoying way .

His blue orbs stared straight into your dark, black ones 'Stay away from Y/N'

This annoyed you beyond belief. You stood up ready to fight but he punched you until you had an annoying black eye.

'You're nothing' He says, tapping his cigarette onto your cute kawaii unicorn leggings. Y/N had said she liked them so you wore them today specifically for her.

You glare at him with your black orbs. Wait, did he just shiver? You get up and raise your fist at him.

Your inner-demons were coming out. No you had to stop, you couldn't... They'd kill him.

You screamed out loud, suppressing the demons that so threatened to come in you and fell back to the ground, unconscious.

'Hah....' he said with a sigh of relief and annoyance. 'I almost thought you were going to do something' and he left with one last kick to your head.


You woke up a few hours later and headed to school. You walked through the door, slamming it as you shut it. The door broke into little pieces.

'WHY ARE YOU LATE AGAIN...' The teacher said before looking at you 'Get into another fight? Nevermind that... Let's see, Y/N, take him to the infirmary please.'

'Ugh.. sensei, these injuries are nothing, im not hurt even a little."

Y/N complied but you could see her boyfriend looking at you with an annoying scowl on his face.

You walked down the hallways, hands crossed behind your head.

"Baka... stop getting into fights" Y/N said with a cute, yet somehow annoying, blush on her face.

"Are you worried about me." You said with a grin plastered on your face.


"gomen, gomen" You chuckled, rubbing the back of your head and continuing your walk to the infirmary.

(hey guys 🤩 sorry for the late update i got put in a mental ward 🥺 it probaly wont be the last time so if any updates are late thats probaly why)

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