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I threw the Card Randomly in a direction and It got stuck in a photo frame .

The photo frame had a Picture of Me and it got stuck exactly at the neck .

" Its Just a Co incidence , Ghosts dont exist . " , I convinced myself .

Though I didnot believe in ghosts , I was Cautious about the environment as I was scared .

Then Suddenly .........

My phone rang .....

Ring ..... Ring ...... Ring ........

A Shock of Current Went through my body at once .

I picked the phone with shivering hand .

" Hello Zeeshan , "

That was a Known Sound .

" Hey , Paul How are ya ? "

" Remebered me so soon ? " , He asked .

" Cannot forget ya " , I said .

" How was the Job interview ? "

" It was Disappointing . " , I said .

" So define disappointing . "

" Nothing just someone else got it before I could . "

" Sad . Did you get my message ? " , Paul asked .

" What message ? "

" About the job opportunity I sent through the Old Man ? " , He asked .

" Oh that was You ? "

" Yeah ! I know you are looking for the job so I had One vacancy so I .... " , Paul explained .

" Thats Great . Umm So I am coming to see you at 9 at Night right ? " , I asked .

" Yeah Maybe " , He said .

" Alright Bye then . " , I said hanging up .

Weird things were happening around me throughout the day like the lights going off and coming back in random intervals , mobile getting hang and It felt like someone's watching through the window . Ignoring all these I spent my rest of the day Doing home stuffs .

At 7 in the Evening , I decided to play tha game " The Rage " . That Game reminded me of Peter , An Old frnd who once used to play with me . I went into flashback , when times were good , spent time with Friends , Family and enjoyed a lot .

At 8:30 I decided to leave from house .
No Cabs were seen near so I decided to walk some distance . The Road was Empty . The street light were fluctuating and a Strong sound of winds touching the trees could be heard .

While walking I heard Someone walking behind me . I turned back but no one was there . I walked again and Heard someone again . This time there was a guy standing in black dress . He had a knife and was terrified .

" How Much Money do you have ? " , He asked panting .

" Not much , Targetting the wrong guy anyways . " , I said though being a bit scared .

" This is my last chance . Please I request you give me the money . Being Inncocent I suffered a lot . " , He said while his voice were cracking and he looked depressed .

" Sorry dude I cannot help by any means now . I don have any money . " , I said .

He looked above and then to the sides . He caught his Head and Looked like it felt pain .

" Ahh Dont do this to me , Give me A Last chance please . " , He said with his hands on his head and eyes closed .

" Hey You alright ? " , I asked . I was Afraid to go near him .

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