No ideas

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Sitting here,
With no ideas,
Teacher here,
Needs something written,
My mind is blank,
My thoughts have sank,
I'm sitting here,
With no ideas
The clock is ticking,
My mind is flipping,
Teacher here ,
wants it now,
Teacher here,
Is coming around,
My heart is racing,
My thoughts are pacing,
My brain is chasing,
Ideas that need caging,
My time has runout,
Teacher is here,
Collecting my poem,
About having no ideas.

this poem was written In my school library during library class. The librarian wanted us to write something creative for the magazine and if we didn't we wouldn't be allowed to leave for our next class. At the time I had a writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write so I just wrote a poem about having no idea what to write.

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