5: Sarcasm is my breakfast

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• HARRY IS BI!!!!! •

Harry was bi. He had known that since the age of 11, when he first arrived in the magical, wizarding world and saw the love of his life – Draco Malfoy. So maybe he was draco-sexual. He had met Draco at Madam-Malkin's store when he fell in love with his handsome looks and attitude.

When he had first arrived at Hogwarts, he and Draco had made been mutual friends or acquaintances because of Ron, whose family had long been rivals with Draco's family. 

When Harry first met Ron on the train, he had even gained a little crush on him. A few weeks into Hogwarts, he wrote a letter to Ron, confessing his love for him. But then, his shy nature prevented him from doing further, so he put the letter in the bottom-most drawer of his side of the dorms. Later though, when he started learning more about Ron, his crush evaporated.

His second crush had been Cedric Diggory during the Tri-wizard tournament. He had just loved his personality, how Cedric could always could always cheer him up when he was stressed about the tournament. He wrote another letter to Cedric, but again hid it in the drawer with the other letter for Ron. It had been because of Cedric that he was even alive right now, he had realized. But a few weeks later, he also realized that his crush for Cedric wasn't real. It was more an extreme admiration for the Hufflepuff boy. That was how his maybe-crush had ended.

His next crush was on Cho Change in fifth year. He admired her beauty and intelligence, but never did anything more than observe from afar. Once again he wrote an unseen letter which was, once again, trapped in the wooden drawer that contained one of his deepest secrets.

His crush for Draco had never once faded all this time, and he had been pining after him for so long. It hurt him to see that Draco had gotten together with Daphene Greengrass of all people, but he refused to say anything, refused to danger Draco's happiness. He hid his feeling for everyone, all the while his friendly relationship with Draco grew over their loyalty to the Puddlemere United quidditch team.

"I wish I could have a relationship with someone simple, you know," Draco had told him in their sixth year, "I wish I could date someone who wasn't so complicated, someone I could understand simply without having to decipher them all the time."

Then date me, Harry thought, but out loud, he only expressed his sympathy, while his heart ached with pain.

The same night, he had written a letter to Draco, expressing his extreme, hidden feelings for him, and how he had been in love with him since 6 years ago, how his heart throbbed every time he saw him with Daphne, and how he spent so many lonely nights longing and crying for him. Then he hid the letter again, where letters from previous years had been piling up.

During summer break, he had spent the whole time at the Dursleys, dealing with their abuse and his broken heart. 

After vacation, he had missed a week of school because he was busy in the hospital wing, regrowing  broken bones from the Dursleys. By the time he had been dismissed by the nurse, classes had been over.

"Harry!" Hermione greeted, "Where have you been?"

"Nowhere!" he replied quickly and tensely.

She stared at him for a minutes and then –

"Mate, do you have a crush on me?" Ron asked him, looking sheepish.

Harry stared at him, eyes wide, "What?"

Ron dangled a familiar looking envelope in front of his eyes.

Well, shit.

Part 2?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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