S666 Episode 2: Temper Rising

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"Envy. Are you ready to leave?" The worker asked, standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Envy stared into her reflection, sighing as she put on the necklace Lilith gave her. She had been here for a few weeks, and everything about it, she hated.

Envy had been treated nicely, way nicer than she would have anticipated for someone like Lilith. She had been fed well, given a lot of gifts and things from Lilith indirectly, and was always kept generally "happy."

And she hated every second of it.

Every day she stayed here, she lost more of herself. She wanted to cry every morning that she woke up. She saw the other sins frequently, as they were allowed to eat with each other, which is what she was going to do now.

But she didn't want to go.

"Yeah... I'm ready." She turned, following the person through the house, before arriving at the dining table where all the other sins were. "Enjoy." The person said softly, which made Envy want to shove two daggers between his eyes, but her powers still weren't working.

So, she just sighed and stepped inside.

"Envy!" Greed said, smiling as he watched her walk in. "I was worried about you." Envy sat at the table, playing with the ends of her hair as she looked over all the sins.

Greed and Gluttony were both sitting together. Gluttony was rattled, but Greed seemed to be keeping strong for them both, which Envy had to give a bit of props for. Pride looked like hell, with bags under his eyes and scars all over his body as he quietly ate.

Lust was the one Envy was most concerned for. She didn't have her usual happy, mischievous smile or her bright talking voice. She had been deflated, completely broken, and whispering to herself since she had lost Wrath.

Envy felt the same way, but at least she knew that Damian was alive.

Since Wrath had died, while he most likely wouldn't be dead forever, he would still be gone for a long time. There was no real promise of him remembering what he had done in terms of his current memories. There was no promise he would be the same person when he came back, whenever he did come back.

And Envy could understand the fear in that.

"Hey, everyone. Glad to see you all are still okay." She said softly, looking over at Pride, who smiled softly. "Depends on your definition of okay."

"Well. For now, Alive works. Have you guys even seen Lilith? I haven't seen her since that day." All of the Sins shook their head, which made Envy think a bit about that. Why want all the sins if they didn't feel like they'd get anything out of them? They weren't getting tortured or hurt (besides Pride, of course).

It just felt like they were biding time for something.

"It feels off." Gluttony said softly, holding on to Greed's arm as he stroked her hair. "I expected way worse than this, and it's making me....'

"Uneasy." Envy said softly, and Gluttony nodded. "I don't know what to expect now, and it's terrifying." Gluttony took a bite of the food in front of her, looking over at Lust. "Lust."

Lust didn't respond, silently staring at the plate in front of them. It was completely untouched; she hadn't even taken a sip of the water or wine that said chilled beside it.

"Lust." Gluttony called again, and Lust's eyes flickered up to look at Gluttony. "Have you eaten? You really need to eat."

"I'm fine."

"No, you are not." Pride said, holding a fork up and pointing at her. "You haven't spoken in days, Lust. And I haven't seen you eat either."

"I'm fine." Lust said again, this time with a bit more attitude.

"If you were really fine, then you'd be talking about wanting to fuck someone right now, or how attractive Lilith is, or what your go-"

"Fine!! I'm not okay! Is that what you wanted to hear??? I lost someone who made me feel loved inside. Is that what you were fucking looking for???" Lust screamed, standing up out of their chair.

Envy bit her lip, looking up at Lust. "Lust. We want you to talk to us. We want to help."

"If you aren't bringing Wrath back, then I don't want your fucking help." Lust said, causing Envy to stand up slowly.

"Don't talk to us like that. We want the best for you, Lust. I lost someone near to me too."

"Envy; at least you know that he's alive. At least you guys were actually dating. All I got was small glimpses of hope, and I finally got what I wanted, and then you took it. "

Envy stepped away from the chair and started to walk towards Lust. "I'm sorry; Me??"

"Um...guys?" Pride asked. "Calm down..."

"Maybe if you had listened to any of the sins, we wouldn't be here right now." Lust screamed as Envy's heart began to drop. "We told you it wasn't a good idea to go in without a plan. Hell, Wrath told you that himself when we got here. But no, you were so hell-bent on killing Lilith."

"Lust..." Envy said, feeling a large surge of Anger building up inside her.

"And where did that get us? Me without Wrath, you without Damian, captured by the enemy just because you wouldn't admit how Lilith was fucking with you as w-"


Lust fell to the ground, Envy standing over them with their hand outstretched. Lust held her cheek, groaning a bit before slowly trying to stand. "Keep my boyfriends name out of your fucking mouth."

"Envy, please stop." Greed said, but Envy waited for them to get up, grabbing their wine glass from the table before splashing it into Lust's face.

"Envy!!" Gluttony said, standing as Lust tried to wipe the wine out of her eyes. "How dare you fuck up my eyeliner? Do you know how expensive this shit is?" Lust said, pushing Envy backward.

"Maybe if you stopped acting like a stuck-up bitch I wouldn't have had to do that." Envy said, turning before seeing a plate flying towards their face courtesy of Lust.

She ducked before lunging at her, beginning to rain down as many punches and kicks as possible.

"Hey!! Get off of her!!" Greed said, as both Greed and Gluttony started to pull them off one another, Anger filling any crevice of Envy's mind as she tried to push over to Lust.

"Um...hi." Someone said, causing all of them to look over at the door. There Ivy stood nervously in the corner with her hands behind her back. She looked around the room, humming to themselves.

"Envy, Lilith would like to see you."

Envy and Ivy walked alongside one another, silently walking through the house as Envy tried to calm herself down.

"So...How have you been?" Ivy asked, offering a large smile before Envy rolled her eyes. "I don't know, maybe you guys kidnapping me and threatening to kill my boyfriend didn't make for a great time?"

Ivy's smile slowly dissipated as she looked down at the ground. "I'm... I'm sorry, Envy."

"Don't 'I'm sorry' me." Envy started as they started to walk up the stairs. "If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it."

Envy placed a hand on Ivy's shoulder as she spoke. "I mean, why are you even helping Lilith? Why would you want to do this? You like hurting people?" Envy asked, and Ivy shook her head and raised her hands in surrender. "No, no, no, I hate it. I don't really like it. But...They said this would make the world better. They did a lot for me. It feels wrong not to do what they ask of me."

"Even at the expense of others?"

Envy knew that her emotions were starting to mess with Ivy's. Her pure Anger and sadness were beginning to become evident on Ivy's face, but she couldn't go too overboard with it. So she pulled her hand off Ivy, letting her think silently before reaching Lillith's door. "Here you are. I hope it gets better, Envy. and...I hope you get out of here without anything happening to you." Ivy said, with a genuine smile on her face.

"Thanks, Ivy." She said softly before pushing the door open. 

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