S666 Episode 8: The Moment You've Been Waiting For

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"Wrath," Lilith said, grimacing as she stared into his soul. Wrath stared back at them, smiling softly as Envy stepped forward. "Back," Lilith said softly. "I want this one to myself." She said, beginning to walk towards Wrath.

Omari began to walk towards them both before Wrath made direct eye contact with him. Omari stopped dead in his tracks, smirking a bit before stepping back. "Alright, brother. It's all you." Omari stood beside Sloth and the rest of the sins while Sloth's cheeks began to burn.

Wrath stayed still, waiting until Lilith stood before him to meet her eyes. "You know, Wrath. When I hired you, I was so excited to see you fight." She dropped the cigarette holder, slamming her foot on it, crushing it instantly. "I watched you fight and kill every person I sicked you on, and It excited me. It made me get up every day and work harder and harder to get to a level where I could even be in the same stratosphere."

Lilith began to walk, slowly pacing around Wrath. Wrath didn't move a single muscle, staying still as Lilith spoke. "Then, one day, You stopped showing up. You were one of the only credible people I had on the team. I watched you leave and read the note you left me."

Sloth could tell emotions were beginning to take over Lilith. Her hands were starting to shake as she walked.

"I read that note every fucking day I wake up. Every day I encounter hardship, I think of that letter, Wrath. Do you remember what that letter even said? You told me that I wasn't good enough. That no one would follow me because of the path I was taking. You said you had more important things to prepare for and that I should give up this dream of mine. Do you remember that, Wrath? After all our time together, you threw it away in a heartbeat. Do you fucking remember that?!?" Lilith's voice was beginning to rise as she stood only mere inches from his face as her eyes pierced and stared into his soul.

"The first time I read that letter, Wrath. It broke me. It hurt me to no end. It made me feel worthless. That letter made me want to give up, not just on this track, but living. I wanted to end myself, Wrath! Do you fucking hear me?!?" Lilith screamed, tears beginning to pool in her eyes as she spoke.

"And then I realized that if I did, I would let you and all the people who doubted me win; no, I couldn't let that happen. I had to work harder. I had to prove myself. I had to show everyone again something I already knew." Lilith said before looking Wrath up and down. "Now look how the tables have turned. You are nothing more than a shell of your former self. A fraud. Chasing your final thrills in people to fuck, to fill a hole in your that you can't fill anymore.

"Where did the old Wrath go? The coldhearted one. The one that would have killed me immediately? He's dead. You're washed up, Wrath. You will never be what you used to be. And acting like it won't bring it to you."

"I'm better than you, Wrath. And you are afraid to admit that. I'm so much better than you. I'm a fucking God. I can turn anyone into mindless slaves and followers at the snap of my fingers. I can do whatever I want now. And you think because you survived a little fall, you are really something special again? You are still the man I knew then, Strong, Physical, and Athletic. But weak where it matters most." She jammed a finger into his chest. "Right. There."

She slowly lowered her hand as Wrath stared them down for a few extra seconds before doing something that no one else ever had the guts to do in front of Lilith, especially when she was like this.

He pushed his hair back, showing his entire face, before smiling. 

"Lilith, I want you to listen to this very carefully." He began, leaning slightly down to meet eye level with her. "When I was first introduced to hell, I was an Icon. I was bigger than my name even could handle. I was a star. People who didn't know me would come asking me for advice, for even a handshake, for a conversation. I led the demons in hell on wars and attacks on angels you had never seen before. While you were busy trying to be a God, I already was one."

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