Chapter 3: Olegie

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Hey, guys! It's been a while. I'm sorry for not updating I've been busy but I'm trying. Hope you enjoy!-Was

Word count: 1,918

Edit: I wrote this before Regie and Jackie got together and Olegie is a key part in my story. I'm sorry if you guys don't like it but don't be disrespectful about it. I respect their relationship and I have no hate for them but this was planned wayy before they became a thing and before they even met so yeah. Thank you.

"You think it's easy for me? When you always have some bitch hanging on you?"

Ryan knew this was going to be the longest 25 minutes of his life.

"Oh don't you get me started on you. You have a different girl like every day and she flirts with you and you're all like "Yeah, baby" and crap. Me? I have people who like me and crush on me but you don't see me flirting with them," Oli yelled at Regie.

Regie went to say something but Oli cut him off, "Because I love you, you idiot. Because you are the only one I want. I only started talking to her because you said you were in an actual relationship. And I was jealous and I wanted to make you jealous. And the whole reason you were with that girl was to make me jealous. Yet you blame everything on me?"

"I said I was in a relationship because I thought you were talking to someone. And yes I'm going to blame you because you can't man up and tell me how you feel," Regie yelled back.

"Me? I can't tell you how I feel? I've hinted it so many times! You are the one who can't tell me anything. You're giving me mixed signals. Because one minute you would flirt with me and treat me different when we're alone. But then in public you switch up on me, it isn't that hard to admit you don't like me. I'd rather you tell me now than for you to keep playing with my feelings!"

"Why do you think I switch up? Because every time I think you like me something happens. Like before I said I was in a relationship that day, I was going to ask you out. That's why I asked you if you wanted to go to the skating rink with me but then Hannah asked to come and your dumbass is too nice to say no to people. And then the whole time she was flirting with you! And you were just being nice and that's what I love about you but you need to set boundaries!"

"Boundaries! Are you even hearing yourself? How are you going to tell me to set boundaries but you can't do it yourself? How many times have I rejected Hannah? Like a million. You CANNOT use that as an excuse as to why YOU couldn't "man up" and tell me how you feel about me!"

"Technically you both just confessed to each other."

"Shut up!" Both Regie and Oli yelled at Seb.

"Okay, just trying to help."

"It isn't that hard to admit you like someone," Oli said.

"Yeah coming from you that means nothing. You don't even have to try. You're always so confident."

"That's what you think. I actually have to try really hard to get your attention. I'm really afraid of rejection and that's why I didn't say anything sooner. But I showed it when words failed me."

"You think it's easy to tell someone you love them?

"Yeah actually I do. It may be difficult to say the words but you don't need words to tell someone. There are many other ways."

"Oh, sure. Like what?"

And it went from Regie and Oli going at each other's throat to them going at each other's lips.

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