Chapter 6: Movie night

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Hey, guys! I hope you're having a good day but if not hopefully this can you cheer you up a bit. Anyways, hope you enjoy!-Was

Word count: 1,213

Seb put a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table along with a bowl of M&Ms and cheese doodles.

Seb had just finished setting up the food (he ordered pizza, so he was still waiting on that), and then he headed to Ryan's room.

After waking up Ryan, they headed to the living room. Ryan took his spot on the couch while Seb scrolled through Netflix to pick a movie.

"Okay, are we feeling Disney, romance, comedy, sad and tragic, action, dark fantasy, fantasy or horror?"

"No shows," Seb said, cutting Ryan off, "because I want to watch a movie. Not take 4 or 5 hours to get to the ending."

"Okay," Ryan said with a sigh.

"The new Puss in boots? It's kind of a mix of all of them," Seb said.

"No. I've seen it already. What about High school musical?"

"It's a classic. Let's see if we can find a movie we haven't seen."

So after after scrolling through lots of movies (they found a few interesting ones but it didn't really catch their attention) they decided maybe they could find a show.

"I don't know. I would prefer a movie," Seb said.

"Well let's go back to one of movies you thought would be interesting," Ryan said. He was already eating the popcorn.

Seb sighed, "Let's see if we can find a show."

Seb didn't want Ryan to know but he wanted to watch a romance movie.

It's his weak spot.

As he was scrolling he found a show called Shadowhunters.

"That looks interesting," Ryan said.

After reading the description he wanted to skip it because it wasn't exactly romance but since it was already 6 he decided to give it a shot.

"Okay. I guess this is what we are watching. There's 3 seasons."

"Maybe it'll be good," Ryan said.

"Maybe," Seb said.

Someone knocked on their door and Seb went to answer it. The pizza had arrived.

"Just in time," Ryan said as he grabbed the plate Seb handed him.

"Okay, let's see if this show is good."

Ryan and Seb were close together with a few inches between them. Seb wanted to cuddle but decided not to mention this to Ryan because they were eating.

The first episode was actually really good, so they watched a few more by the fourth episode Seb was hooked, and Ryan seemed to really like it too.

"So, I'm guessing Alec is gay and he's in love with Jace and that's why he doesn't like Clary," Ryan said.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. Magnus seems to like Alec so there's that," Seb said.

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