1: Sweet Decorations

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The chilly afternoon air combined with the heated classroom caused the glass windows to fog up. The students were hunched over at their desks. Some tapping pens, tapping toes, rubbing eyes or faces. The quiz, though very small, was causing more stress than it should've.

Miss Bustier checked the time on her watch and then called time. Everyone groans and sighs, sitting up and stretching. Two students from the back of the class start taking up everyone's quiz papers to turn in at the front of the room.

Marinette is beaten by the quiz as she lays her head on the table, facing Alya.

"Don't think you did well?" Alya asks.

"Yeah, I was kinda up late all night with the Kwa- with something and didn't get much sleep or studying."

Alya understands, the Kwamiis can be pretty wild in the evenings. "I don't think I did too well either. Maybe I didn't study enough.

"I guess staying up all night on the phone with your boyfriend is off the table for eves of test huh?" Nino joked, poking his nose into the girls' conversation. Marinette chuckled at Alya who defeatedly smiles."What about you Adrien? Think you did well?"

"I think I did okay. At least I hope so."

"Of course you did great, you're perfect," Marinette says in a daze. The moment doesn't last because she quickly catches herself. "I mean! I was just saying that you always do a great job!"

Adrien smiles, "Well thanks for thinking that Marinette. Though, you are also the same way. You do good on tests. Even if you've got a lot on your plate you always manage to do well in class."

"Th-thank you Adrien." Marinette blushes.

Once the quizzes are turned into the front of the class, Miss Bustier claps her hands to get the students' attention. "Great job on the quiz everyone. I hope you are all satisfied with your work. Before we leave for the day I just wanted to remind everyone of our Christmas party tomorrow afternoon. Those of you who are staying after class today to help decorate please be sure to remind your parents now. If you have any specific requests for snacks please speak to Marinette."

Marinette stands to address the class. "If anyone has any specific allergies or dietary restrictions please let me know about them also."

Miss Bustier nods, "And lastly, please remember to bring your Secret Santa gift tomorrow. Be sure to wrap your gifts pretty and we will place them under the tree in the morning."


Once the bell rings everyone starts gathering their things. The ones who were staying to decorate set their things in the back of the room.

"I wouldn't be caught dead staying here with you losers and working. Come on Sabrina." Chloe announces as she struts out of the room, Sabrina following.

Adrien somberly puts his things in his bag when Nino turns to him and asks, "You staying to help?"

Adrien replies with a shake of his head. "My afternoon is all booked thanks to my father. Plus I still haven't gotten anything for my Secret Santa. I haven't had the time."

As the other students pull out boxes of decor and craft supplies Nino puts his arm over Adrien's shoulder. "Don't worry about it man, we've got this covered. Plus you'll enjoy it even more if it's a surprise. But I would worry about that gift, maybe focus on that gift."

"You're right." Adrien sighs as he walks from the room.

Nino joins Alya as Marinette gives out instructions for making party streamers.

"Everything okay?" Alya quietly asks him.

"It's Adrien. He wanted to stay and help but... I'll be right back."

Alya nods and Nino hurries out of the room to catch up to his friend.

"Adrien!" he shouts as he runs down the stairs.

Adrien stops in his tracks and turns to meet Nino.

"Hey man, you okay?"

"As I said earlier, I just really wanted to stay and help. Most of the class is anyway. I feel bad for leaving everyone to do the work and just enjoying the party the next day. I would much rather spend time with everyone decorating for a party than attending one."

"Look, you don't have to worry. We all understand. Your schedule is always packed and we don't resent you for that at all. We just want you to enjoy the party tomorrow."

"I know but-"

"No buts. Besides, it isn't much work. Alya told me that Marinette's been working on these decorations at home for like weeks. We're just setting things up at this point."

"Marinette made all the decor?"

"Yeah, man! There's a gingerbread house cut out for the door. She even made a life-sized gingerbread man."

"Wow, she's amazing." Adrien was shocked

"I wouldn't expect anything less from our class rep."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from Marinette. She's so perfect." Adrien said in a daze.

Adrien's bodyguard honked the horn of the car.

"I'd get going on that gifted man."

"Yeah I gotcha." Adrien sheepishly laughs and enters the car.

Nino sighs in relief then rushes back up to the classroom. Once inside, Alya comes up to him and quietly asks if everything is alright.

"Everything's all good."

Everyone begins decorating and Nino puts on some music to help pass the time.

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