6: Joyeux Nöel

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Miss Bustier checks the time on her watch. "Alright class, pickup, and everyone gets all the party things out so we can begin."

This is it. Everything had been leading up to this. The party was finally happening.

"Marinette will you please go grab the snacks from the cafeteria?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh and have Adrien go with you too. Extra hands are better than two." She said in the sweetest voice.

As the two stepped out of the classroom they swiftly went down the stairs to the cafeteria.

"I'm so excited about this party Marinette. I've been looking forward to it since October!" Adrien shared as he grabbed one of the snack boxes.

Marinette grabbed the other and blushed. "I'm happy you're already having a good time. I can't wait to play games with everyone."

"And I'm grateful for you. I know you did a lot of extra work to make everything look so nice. Thank you."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you had a good time. I thought what better way than to go all out on the decor." She giggled.

"You are just the perfect person." Adrien blushes as well as Marinette.

The two make it back to the classroom where everyone has set up their stations. Nino is already blasting Christmas bops, Rose has set up the bingo game, and Mylene and Ivan are already setting out drinks.

The party is going great with everyone joining in the games. Bingo was a hit and Juleka came up with Christmas musical chairs that Kim and Alix went head to head by the end of.

The snacks were delicious and quickly gobbled up even by Chloe who sat in the back corner most of the time.

Nathanial held a quick step-by-step drawing class of Santa and surprisingly everyone did very well except for Kim who drew himself doing pull-ups in a Santa suit to be funny. It worked and the whole class laughed.

Miss Bustier whipped away tears from laughter and got everyone's attention again.

"Alright everyone, grab your presents, it's time for Secret Santa." She said through laughs.

Chloe, of course, wanted to start and she and Sabrina exchanged gifts. Chloe wouldn't have any other person buy for her.

Ivan gifted Kim a new swim cap.

Alya gifted Rose a new scrapbook.

Juleka gave Nino a CD of her favorite rock band.

Mylene gifted Alix a good luck pin.

Max gave Mylene a new pin for her jacket.

Alix gave Ivan new earbuds.

Nathaniel gave Juleka a hand-drawn piece of her from Kitty Section.

Rose gave Max a copy of her favorite cute animal game.

Kim gave Alya a ladybug fan mug. "Omg! That's so cool! I'll have to post this on the LadyBlog!"

Nino handed Adrien a gift bag. "Merry Christmas my dude."

"Thank you!" Adrien opened the bag to reveal a cool cap with retro details embroidered into the bill.

Marinette then went up to Nathaniel and handed him a gift. He opened it to find a sketchbook she had handmade with special drawing paper. He was so grateful he started to draw in it as soon as he sat down.

Nino nudged Adrien towards Marinette who bumped into her back.

The two jumped at the touch and Marinette turned to face him. "You okay?" She blushed.

"Yeah...I- I'm fine... You?"


"Well... I got...you..."

Marinette looks puzzled at the jittering Adrien.

"Merry Christmas Marinette." He sheepishly said pulling the box from behind his back to present it to her.

Marinette lit up at the sight. First of all, she couldn't believe that her secret Santa was Adrien. Second, what a beautiful little box. Third, Adrien was her secret Santa!

Calm down Marinette. It's just a gift.

She excitedly yet cautiously took the box from him. The velvet was soft in her palms, though they were sweaty. She gently untied the blue satin ribbon.

Everyone was watching her now. The elegant box called for everyone's attention even Chloe's, though she was just watching out of jealousy.

Marinette slowly opened the box to reveal the sapphire brooch. The sight made her heart skip a beat and everyone gasped.

"It was my mother's. A one-of-a-kind piece just for her. And now, it's yours. My father said that if I gifted it to someone it would have to be a person just as special."

Marinette was hung up on that last part.
"You said... I'm... special?" She chocked.

"Yes. You're very special to me Marinette."

The whole class cheers at his confession. Nino pats his buddy on the back.

Alya hugs Marinette from behind. "One step closer to an engagement ring huh?"

Marinette and Adrien both turn redder than Santa's coat.

Later that evening Marinette is back on her balcony, this time properly covered, meticulously stitching some pink fabric.

"He must've been really happy to see your reaction." A shady cat pointed out as he perched himself on the balcony.

"Yeah. I hope he was happy. I feel like it's such a big responsibility to have it let alone wear it." She showed off the new brooch.

"Woah what a rock." Chat joked.

Marinette laughed and nudged him a bit.

"There!" She said as she snapped the tread off. "Good as new."

Marinette lifted the scarf back to Chat Noir who reluctantly took it. "Sorry I got it all messed up in the fight."

"Nothing a little tread can't fix." Marinette joked as she put the needle back in her tiny sewing kit.

"And you're sure I can keep this?"

"Of course. Consider it a Christmas gift." She leaned against the balcony to watch the stars.

Chat Noir followed her lead.

Joyeux Nöel Princesse.

Joyeux Nöel Chaton.

Marinette's Secret SantaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant