Little Brother

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The ice cream was in your hair
I can't remember how it happened
You said it was an accident
And I took out the special shampoo

You could never sit still
Instead chattering about Tom Brady
Or something else I didn't understand
But I smiled and nodded anyway

My hands massaged your hair
But you barely noticed
Your head was somewhere else
And your hands waving wildly

I didn't know what you were saying
But your excitement was contagious
I couldn't help but laugh
Even in misunderstanding

In improv they say big gestures
You would have been their MVP
Hands waving and moving around
Correlating with your words

And then when I was done
You left to go chatter to someone else
And I felt the loss in me
Because I wanted you all to myself

But I didn't have to worry
Because the very next day
The peanut butter was in your hair
And I took out the special shampoo

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