Seemingly Perfect

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Seemingly Perfect

It started off well

What went wrong?

I couldn't tell

Could you?

It seemed right

We were so in love

Then suddenly, the light

Was gone, forever

The dark swept over

Us, kissing with its dangerous

lips, our love now a three leaf clover

like all the others, nothing special

We became lost in lies

Caught in the deception

of other girls, other guys

The perfect couple ripping at the seams

The facade began to tear

Everything falling to pieces

You didn't seem to care

anymore, I was alone

We were standing on a crumbling ground

People started to notice

Where before there was no one around

Now the noise was deafening

The gossip began, sneaking

into every corner of every room

The perfect ones, they said, peeking,

are falling down

There was once something beautiful

Now, darkness had spread throughout

it's every side, leaving me the fool

And you the heartbreaker

I look back now and I see

What you saw then

It was never me, it was the popularity

You fell in love with something seemingly perfect

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