The Broken Cinderella

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The Broken Cinderella:

Too good to be true, they said

But I never once thought

To listen to the warnings

And stories of what you had wrought

Upon girls much more foolish than me

But in the face of your beautiful eyes

I couldn't say no

So I agreed to my downfall in one try

It was so easy for you

I wasn't a girl in your eyes, but an object

That you could toy with for a time

Play with my feelings just for a bet

Maybe you felt like God and wanted

To show off the power you had

Keeping others under your thumb

Whatever it was, you won the hand

Your poker face was your perfection

Telling me I looked beautiful, then turning

Around and mocking the way I looked

To your heartless entourage, swinging

One way and the next, so I could never know

What you were thinking and how you felt

I was a simple girl, at least at the time

What was it that you saw, that you felt needed to be dealt

With, I will never understand

Why me? What did I ever do to hurt you and

The pretty people, I always tried to stay

Away from trouble, but you decided to throw sand

In my eyes and blind me from your plan

Inviting me to the dance under a guise of fun

Never knowing you were planning the night

From where my bitterness sprung

I don't know where you got the pictures

I just know that when you saw the mask

Of beauty I had put on for the night, you

Hesitated to complete your task

Then something shocked you from your reverie

And you played the disc, so all those I had ever known

Saw me in a way I had never intended for the world

To see, but now they knew, by something stolen

You stood there, pointing and laughing

Along with everybody else, while I felt a tear

Slip across my cheek and at that moment, I saw

Something in your eyes, it was fear

Fear that you had actually hurt me rippled

Across your face, as though you thought

I would be laughing along with you

About a joke that wasn't funny to be caught

Inside. Then your shred of humanity disappeared

And you turned away from me, laughing once more

At my gullibility, so I ran, I had nothing left for me here

People followed behind, pushing and shoving, through the door

To see the girl who thought she was Cinderella

Being whisked away by a handsome prince to the ball

Where all her dreams would come true

Only to find that the prince was a complete doll

With no heart, just some handsome features

That he used to crush dreams and break hearts

Cinderella was just a fairytale, I know that now

You never cared for me, it was just a facade who's detail was off the charts

Years later you came back and apologized to me

But it was too late, you had mangled my once pure heart into

A mess of ugliness and bitterness and untrustworthiness

Making me unworthy to love and be loved

You never truly thought about the consequences of what

You had done to me, it had just been a game, a joke,

And you tried to explain that to the brokenness that people

Now called me, but your poor humor had not been just a poke

It had smashed my trusting love into thousands of pieces

Making me cynical about everything and everyone

That tried to get close to me in any way

Your "small" prank had weighed a ton

I don't think you ever forgave yourself once you saw

The damage you had done to my life

But you moved on, like everybody else had

Only I couldn't, stuck in the past and its lies

If only I hadn't fallen for your deception

But here I am, ruined by what you called a simple jest

My heart can't let go of the decision it made to follow

You down the road to make me broken because it failed the test

Of love

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