Chapter Two: Becoming One

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Must have 10 comments and 20 votes for another chapter. Info: Constance Johanssen is an actual marvel character and female version of DC's Constantine.

                    In the Avengers tower, several people sit around a long table watching a blurry video of Sargent Clarke Blaze losing control during a mission in Afghanistan. "Amazing," a man said in awe. The man has a thin build and is wearing black dress shoes, dark grey dress pants, and a purple dress shirt with the first two buttons undone. He has curly black hair and Dark chocolate eyes that stick out from his pale skin.

                    "She's just a kid. What was Fury thinking," another man said from the other end of the table with a frown on his angelic face. The man is tall, with an incredibly muscular build, silky short dirty blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes. He wore a tight white tee and khaki pants with brown boots.

                    "No offense, Cap, but she is far from a child her time in Afghanistan saw to that," a man said from a different side of the table. The man had a slim athletic build and wore an elegant suit. He has short black hair, a black goatee, and chocolate-colored eyes.

                    "Tony is right, Steve. She is a grown woman with combat experience plus Fury made it clear if she couldn't be in the Avengers, then S.H.I.E.L.D. would have no choice but to lock her up. Considering what we just saw within her. Trying to detain her would only get good people killed," the man in the purple shirt explained. Steve sighs, not really liking the idea. He had nothing against Clarke, but he couldn't help but worry about civilian safety if she did join them on a mission.

                    "Look, the others are looking for signs of Loki's scepter that will give Bruce and me time to run some tests and figure out a safe way for Blaze to call on her skull-head friend," Tony explained. However, he left out that he already had some information on ghost riders after meeting Johnny Blaze a few years back. Steve reluctantly agrees, knowing Fury wouldn't back down on recruiting the girl.

                    Months pass as Tony and Bruce try many tests on Clarke, even taking a few blood samples, but are gaining no results. So S.H.I.E.L.D. calls on Constance Johanssen, an excellent chain-smoking British occult detective. She has short, pixie-like blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Constance is known for always wearing a blue trench coat and cigarette in hand. That night Clarke walks into the lab wearing black swimming trunks and a grey wife beater. Constance filled a metal tub with water, ice, white henbane, and a few other herbs. As Clarke grew closer to the tube, she could feel the ghost rider within her scrape at the walls of her mind. "I'm going to be bloody honest it's not going to be fucking comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state. It'll allow you access to your subconscious mind," she explained with a thick British accent, then took a drag of her cigarette. Clarke touches the water and then yanks her hand back from the stinging pain in her fingers from the freezing temperature.

                    "When you say my heart rate is to be slow, how much are we talking here," she asked.

                    "Nearly dead," Constance said nonchalantly, causing Clarke to look at her like she was crazy. Tony and Bruce enter the room along with Steve.

                    "Don't worry, Matchstick, we're not letting you go that easily," Tony joked, trying to lighten the mood. Clarke rolls her eyes at the nickname Tony had chosen for her. Though if she was being honest, it made her feel like she was part of a family again.

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