Chapter Seven: Child of Heaven and Hell

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Must have 10 comments and 20 votes for another chapter. Author note: The lullaby between Clarke and her mother is Once Upon a December.

                    After the shit show of a battle with Ultron and the Maximoff twins, the Avengers retreated to Barton's farmhouse in Iowa to mend the mental wounds caused by Wanda. It seemed everyone but Clarke and Natasha had been surprised to see Clint had a home outside of the Avengers headquarters, let alone his own family. To Clarke, it was common sense to keep his loved ones hidden, considering the number of enemies the Avengers made on a daily basis. Considering how easily Clarke had lost control while fighting amongst Klaue's men, she decided it was safer to stay in the Quinjet while the others rested inside the house. She didn't believe Barton's family were terrible people, but even the littlest lie would set the rider's hunger ablaze, and he didn't discriminate. Minutes later, Clarke works on her motorcycle in the Quinjet, trying to clear her mind of a certain Sokovia woman. The sound of a sweet voice singing an all too familiar lullaby catches Clarke's attention. She slowly steps out of the Quinjet and looks around, seeing she is the only one outside. Clarke follows the singing to the edge of Clint's property, then stops. She could still hear the singing coming from within the woods by the farmhouse. Clarke looks back at the farmhouse and then at the tree line, "Better to ask for forgiveness," she whispers, then heads into the woods.

                    Clarke follows the singing into a small field of flowers within the woods but instantly freezes at the sight of a gorgeous older woman with an angelic face in a beautiful white silk dress. She has dark black hair and bright green eyes full of mischief. The woman was only a few inches shorter than Clarke. "Mother...," Blaze whispered in disbelief as tears filled her eyes.

                    The woman turns towards her and smiles, "My little Dove," she says with an angelic voice that used to soothe Clarke to sleep as a child.

                    " died," Clarke choked out as her mother moved forward and wiped a tear from her cheek.

                    "I hope you can forgive me, my dear, but leaving you wasn't my decision, but Gods," she said, which only confused Clarke. "I'm sure growing up you noticed I'm no normal be honest, I'm not even human. You're father knew me as Isabella Hughes, but my true name is Ariel. I'm the lion of God and one of her blessed archangels. My role is to care for God's creation on earth, but I can not stop what is to come. In the near future, half of this world's population will be wiped out in a blink of an eye. God's eyes have seen so many scenarios, but they all ended the same until she saw a glimpse of you. So to protect her beloved children, she blessed the unholy union between me and Zarathos, the demon within your father. Our union gave birth to you the first Nephalem with a Spirit of Vengeance," Ariel explained.

                    "You talk as if that thing within me is a blessing! It's a curse!" Clarke spat, taking a step away from her mother.

                    Ariel sighed, "You both are my child...two sides of the same coin. Your hatred and fear towards your other half have made it so uncontrollable, but your spirit is doing exactly what Spirits of Vengeance were created for. When the Great Flood that wiped out almost the entire human population ended, God created a rainbow signifying her promise to humanity that she would never again smite her wrath upon the face of the earth. However, she continued to witness mankind committing countless misdeeds and ungodly actions, which eventually infuriated her. The Spirits of Vengeance, vestiges of God's power bonded to human hosts, were designed to fight off the thriving supernatural and satanic threats, as well as purify sin and wreak havoc on the guilty for their mistreatment towards the innocent and undeserving. You're spirit pursues the cause to purge the unrighteous as it should. Once you accept it as a part of you and not a monster you must tolerate, you will truly become one being," she explained.

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