chapter 1-introduction

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Important chapter _________________________
So in this story rainbow blitz and rainbow dash are twins not a couple!!! Soarin is not some celeb. If he was the fangirls would ruin soarindash moments that's why. He will be introduced as a new kid. The girls think he's hot. He likes rainbow dash cause she's feisty.

Rainbow dash's mom ( windy whistles ) was really good at sports and got into finals and won the trophy. her sister Leslie (made up name) didn't though. Leslie was always jealous of her. Bow hoothoof and windy whistles (the twins' parents) soon dropped out of college to look after baby rainbow blitz and baby rainbow dash. When the twins (rainbow dash and rainbow blitz) were 7yrs old the mom and dad got in a car crash and died.
So their aunt leslie had to take them in. The aunt had hated their mom and been jealous of their mom( Harry potter aunt petunia vibes).

The aunt hated them to the core because they were so similar to their mom and dad. So she and husband tortured them. Abused them. They were beaten up for the tiniest things.

Rainbow blitz was really protective of his sis rainbow dash. He wants her to be happy. He wants a good man to love her and take care of her and accept her for who she was. He has a crush on spitfire. Rainbow dash has already been in a relationship with quibble and he broke her heart. So it's rainbow blitz's life mission to protect her. He also ships soarindash so he will help soarin win her heart.

Scootaloo's mom is Leslie. Scootaloo loves rainbow blitz and rainbow dash. She tries to keep them happy. She will make a soarindash fan club in the story.
Blah blah blah- oh wait I think I said the important stuff.
Okeh. I have put all the characters so you won't be confused.


Characters:----------------------------------These are the RAINBOW TWINSIES

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Rainbow dash and rainbow blitz ( sister and brother).
Rainbow dash and rainbow blitz are 16yr olds.
So yea. Rainbow blitz is her twin brother and can be a overprotective bro a lot in the book. Blitz heavily ships soarindash. So he will help soarin to win rainbow dash's heart.

So yea I basically couldn't find a great single pic of soarin Equestria girls version

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So yea I basically couldn't find a great single pic of soarin Equestria girls version. In the fan art on Google he's always with rainbow dash so yea.
This is also cute.
Soarin Les go!!!! Soarin likes rainbow dash.
Rainbow blitz and flash and thunderlane are his best friends.

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