You Came -Nami-

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You were in desperate need of help, but you didn't want to worry the Straw Hats about their getaway from the Marines that found you.

"You betrayed the World Government to help Straw Hat?" The captain questions you with a huff. "Pathetic."

"The only pathetic thing here is you thinking you can catch them," You spat. You secretly hoped that they wouldn't catch on to the missing help that never got on the ship as you planned. You were begging they were disappearing on the horizon by now.

"Shut your mouth, Traitor," He growls. "You'll be getting a public execution as a sign to all Marines that if you betray the World Government, your death will come." He grabs you by the hair aggressively, tugging you down and across the floor like a bag of trash going to the bin. He tosses you in front of a group of marines that he led before grabbing the hilt of his sword and dragging the weapon out from his hip. The metal shone when he raised it high above his head.

"Thunderbolt Kenpo!" The familiar voice rang out behind you and you nearly gasped at the surprise of a savior. Thunderclouds formed from multiple thunder bubbles and the thunderbolts came quickly after.

"Nami!" You shout with a whimper in your tone. "You're supposed to be long gone!"

"And leave you behind?" She scoffs, wrapping an arm around your torso and tugging you up with her. "Not a chance." You frowned and hung your head in shame.

"I thought that if I bought you guys some time-"

"Just keep quiet until we get to the ship." Her cold voice struck you and you sadly agreed to the suggestion. The Marines were still in literal shock at the attack Nami produced as she lugged you onto the ship. Franky fired up the barrels of cola to blast the ship forward into the air and away from the scene.

"Chopper!" Sanji calls out after he sees Nami and you. The reindeer rushes to your side to look you over before taking you to the doctor's office.

"I'll be there in a minute, Chopper, I need to talk to Luffy." You kept quiet the entire time you followed the doctor. He settled you onto the white mattress and you silently watched as he plucked through supplies until he found whatever he was searching for.

"This might sting a lot," He informs you while wetting a cotton ball with some kind of fluid. "It's a lot like alcohol, but it's got a special numbing herb that will kick in a bit later for stitching." You nodded in understanding, bracing yourself for the pain. "So why didn't you come with us?" He asks you to try and keep a distraction active for you.

"I wanted to make sure you guys got away." You winced with a clench of your jaw before continuing. "I figured that since I wasn't a crew member I could help out in some way."

"Crew member or not, Luffy already declared you as a close friend when you first helped us a week ago. We didn't even know you and now we trust you with our lives." You could feel the numbing herb taking over as soon as Chopper threw the cotton in the trash. He rummaged to find his needle and thread next. The curved metal was a sight for sore eyes.

"Well, either way, I'm only a friend, not part of the crew," You repeated as if he didn't catch it the first time. Chopper is about to speak when the door opens wide to reveal a very upset Nami.

"What the hell were you thinking?" She growls. "Leaving you behind was not part of the plan!"

"You guys couldn't have made it past the guard ships on the coast if it wasn't for my distraction, Nami," You replied with no more pain since the numbness took over. You could feel the skin getting tugged, but never did the needle painfully pierce you.

"Don't give me that crap, we would have been fine!"

"Why are you so mad?" You retorted. "You shouldn't have come!"

"You called for me!" The room is silent as you watched her in confusion. "The moment that Marine raised his sword you called out for me."

"I did?" You whisper, confused. "I don't remember that at all."

"You wanted out of there so bad you subconsciously called for my help. Just admit it- you weren't ready to die." It was true. You didn't want to die. In fact, you wanted to live much longer. The idea that you called out for Nami made more sense to you than the fact you don't remember doing it. Nami was the one you immediately connected with, going everywhere with her and doing everything for her. She didn't deny the connection, either, never pushing you away and helping you in return.

"I..." You tried to speak, but your throat was tight and tears clouded your vision. "I want to be here. I want to be alive. I want to live." You looked up to meet Nami's eyes as soon as Chopper tied up the stitched and cut the thread. "I want to live here, Nami! I want to be free..."

"Good, because I talked to Luffy and you're staying." She crosses her arms while you wept heavily, wiping with pure aggression at your eyes. "You should have just come along back then," She whispers, a hand finding your face with a sigh. You slowly look up at her and she crouches to eye-level, knees on the bedframe. "We will always be here to help you, okay?" You sniffle and nod. Nami smiles lightly and places her forehead against yours.

"Hey, Nami?" She hums with closed eyes, not backing away from you in the slightest. "Thank you." She finally opens her eyes with a gentle laugh. Her thumb wipes away a stranded salty tear and she kisses the spot it once rested on your cheek.

"Of course," She replies. "I'll always come when you call."

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