Calm -Franky-

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AN: I have been using songs to write these and this one feels very... Franky. 

When you fought, you were a major force to be reckoned with. It made you dangerous to not only your enemies but also your friends. No one was able to calm you down once your Ikari-Ikari fruit took over. You were always forced into a seastone cage or cuffs by the crew to try and make it fall under control again, but it only pisses you off more. You begin punching at the seastone bars, knuckles bleeding from the impact. Your body was hot and you were sweating an incredible amount compared to usual. This battle was different. You used your fruit too much and it was no longer able to calm down as easily as before. Your fruit lets you practically 'suck up' others' anger to make you stronger and them weaker. You used it continuously on your enemies, feeling like you were overwhelmed by the emotional baggage you pulled now. The rage fruit would be deactivated by the seaprism stone as any other fruit would be, but the rage would remain inside until it dispersed.

"They're not letting up," Usopp mentions with a frown. "Do you think they went too far this time?"

"Of course they did," Nami huffs. "You saw them- they took nearly every enemy down with one blow. Not even Luffy can do that at that level." You grunted, ramming into the cage again and again with screams to join the action. The crew watched on with worry, unsure what to do. You always just told them to leave you alone and let it wear out, but now they weren't sure that wasn't a good idea.

"What do we do?" Chopper questions. "I don't think I can treat them..."

"I can handle it." Franky came from the back of the crowd while winding up his arms. Tears were coming to your eyes when Franky approached the bars. You were mentally aware of what was happening every second of the time your fruit was active, but you had no control of your body. Your eyes were pleading, but your body was angry. Franky noticed immediately and sighed, turning to face the crew.

"Are you sure about this?" Sanji lights his cigarette before eyeing your disheveled appearance. "They seem-"

"Trust me, I got it." The crew exchange looks before nodding. "Now, everyone needs to get off the ship for a second." Luckily, they decided to dock in worry for you a while ago. They all followed the command and once they were cleared from the area, Franky returned his gaze to you. You growled and yelled at him, smashing the bars with your fists. He sighs lightly and rubs at his machine-built arms.

"I'm gonna help you, alright?" When you don't react, he calls your name. Your eyes flick up and you charge, banging the rails again. "Look at me. I know you can do that much. Your breathing was ragged and your body was twitching uncontrollably. However, you still had control of your eyes. Your pupils dilated a few times, fighting your nervous system to focus on Franky. He smiles lightly and nods. "Good job. Now, I need you to breathe." Easy for him to say. He wasn't full of every enemy's rage right now. You groaned, trying hard to listen to him even though his words sounded like an irritating ringing in your ears.

"Come on, you need to do it, okay?" He kept a calm tone the entire time. "I want to let you out of the cage. I can't do that if you can't focus and breathe." You finally were able to find a spot on Franky to focus- his eyes. They were shaped like they were constantly sad, but you rarely saw the man actually upset over something, even though everything made him cry it seemed. The dark irises and pupils were staring deeply into yours, patiently waiting for a result to change. You felt yourself shivering and twitching still, but your breaths had become more shaking than uneven.

"Good, good..." He trails quietly. "Now, I'm going to let you out, okay?" He slowly reached for the door and didn't break eye contact at all. the whole time, you focused on those dark pupils to ground yourself. The door squeaked to reveal it was open and he scooted over to be in front of it. "Come here," He whispers. You keep your eyes on him and he smiles gently at you. "You can do it." You huffed a deep breath to try and find a focus point other than his eyes and be able to use your feet. Your attention went to his open hand that reached out for you to grab. You shivered and whimpered uncontrollably, but you still were able to take a single step toward him.

"You're doing great," Franky encourages softly. "Keep going." You took another step, this time a bit easier. He smiled brightly when your cuffed wrists landed on his palm. "Perfect. Thank you," He grabs something from his hip and you immediately recognize the key to the seaprism cuffs. "Now, I'm gonna take this off, okay?" Another emotion settled in and you whimpered again, unable to speak still. Panic. You knew once the cuffs were off of your wrists the fruit could activate again. Franky shushed you and placed his other hand atop yours.

"Just trust me, okay? I promise I won't let it happen again." Your eyes met his again and you felt a sense of calm rinse over you, but it didn't completely work. The panic was gone, but the anger very much remained. Your knuckles were sore and bleeding, your head pounding, and your wrists were rubbed raw from the cuffs being used as a weapon against the bars of the cage. The key slowly turned in the lock and the heavy cuffs dropped. Before your body could react, Franky pulled you into a tight hug, nearly too tight if you were being honest. "Any anger you feel, take it out on me." You were scared to touch him with your hands. You didn't want to soak in any anger or malice he carried.

"You can touch me. You'll find I have no anger in me right now." Very slowly, you listened to him and rested each hand gently on his lower back. As soon as you did, you shivered. A cold rush ran over your body as if being frozen by a glacier mist. That's when you realized why; Franky had released a literal frost over you to cool your overheated body. "Is that better?" You nod. You noticed immediately that you were gaining back your physical control much faster with a cooldown. Your hands pulled him closer to you and you frowned, the rage leaving you, but now the guilt and sadness coming forward.

"I'm so sorry," You whisper with a hoarse voice. "I'm so sorry." You kept repeating the sentence with heavy sobs following it. When your body temp returned to normal, Franky stopped the cooldown and rested his arms around you in a gentle hug.

"You don't have to apologize," He replies. "You did what you felt was necessary to help the crew and yourself."

"I'm just scared of what I'll become if I keep using my power," You say while leaning back to look at him. "I am terrified of not being able to calm down again."

"Then you'll need to come to me." His words were said as if it was an obvious response. "I'll be the one to pull you out of your anger and rage whenever you need me." You smile softly at the man and squeeze as tight as you can to him.

"I'm so ashamed... I'm dangerous."

"Nah, you're fine!" He tried so hard to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal, which only made you more guilty. "I'll be your super cooldown, alright?" You snickered at the nickname and nodded.

"Okay, that sounds great." You didn't pull away from the cyborg, admiring the moment with the only one who had ever been able to calm you down.

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