More Like Her - Kin'emon -

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A/N: Lately I've been craving a bit of the samurai in stories so 😛

You didn't mean to like him. You definitely didn't mean to love him. He was just someone you and your crew had picked up in Punk Hazard. Your captain was obsessed with being a "centaur" with the man's lower half. After that, your musician skeleton met his torso. Finally, you, the cook, navigator, and doctor had met his head.

"I am Kin'emon."

That was what he told you after he discussed the revealing nature of your navigator's outfit. You weren't fond of him in the beginning. Then you met up with Luffy, your captain, and he handed over the legs to the man you had met. After that, it was a wild adventure to retrieve the torso that had fallen into the ocean.

"We have to find my son!"

He had a son? He was a father? You thought nothing more of it. You and your crew helped find his son, Momonosuke. You were deemed a worthy friend when you personally would shield Momonosuke from harm, getting yourself hurt in the process. Kin'emon thanked you greatly with a bow, but you said a hug was more meaningful to you.

So he hugged you.

Then you went to Dressrosa and met his friend, Kanjuro. An intense battle between Luffy and Doflamingo transpired, but you stayed on the front lines with Kin'emon and Kanjuro to attempt to slow down the strings Doflamingo trapped you all within. Then, with a final blow, Luffy had won. The Straw Hat captain freed Dressrosa.

Kin'emon hugged you again.

After Dressrosa came Zou. On the way there, when you couldn't sleep at night, Kin'emon told you of adventures in his homeland and about how unforgiving the sea was for him and his comrades. He seemed to have such a fire in his eyes when he spoke that you didn't think anything could diminish it.

"There is a friend in Zou we need to meet with."

He told you that alone in confidence, claiming trust in you. You gave him no reason to believe he was wrong in doing so. Zou was demolished, but half of your crew had made it with your ship while the other was with you and the samurai. Kin'emon tried to keep face, but you could see something was bothering him prior to the climb.

"I feel as though I have failed them."

You tried to comfort him, letting him know that he had no control over what transpired on Zou. You made sure that he knew that everyone believed in him and what you soon discovered was not his son, but his master's. You weren't sure why you were relieved by that fact.

"Please, help us take back our home of Wano!"

You nearly cried at the sight of Kin'emon on his knees, begging Luffy to help him with their cause. Once he agreed, after bullying Momonosuke into asking him for himself, you helped Kin'emon to his feet. He immediately wrapped you in a tight hug.

"Thank you."

The way he said it sounded so desperate. You were just glad he was no longer bowing. While Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Brook, and two monks had followed Sanji to Whole Cake Island, you took part in the travels of the Wano group. You found yourself worried about your other half of the crew so much that you once again began to lose sleep.

"Come, I'll help you sleep."

It was a kind gesture- a friend to a friend. You couldn't help but be upset at your racing heart. He played with your hair, humming to you out of tune, and making his lap a pillow for you. You accepted it wholeheartedly, but you didn't want to give yourself false hopes. You found yourself closing your eyes into a soft slumber at the feeling of his fingertips on your scalp one more time and the sound of his voice trying to lull you asleep.

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