Chapter 32: Family

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven made it to the Bunker. "I'm here."

Bismuth had the map spread out on the table. "I've labeled all the important structures." 

"Any structures matter, especially if they're unimportant ones." Steven said, looking at the map. "You can cross off this building. I was just there and I've put an end to their would-be station here."

Bismuth crossed it off. "Hmm... Do you have a clue where she could be?" Bismuth asked.

"No, not really." Steven sighs. "She could be anywhere."

"Well, let's try to narrow the search." Peridot joined in. "She's able to make public announcements, which rule out the buildings with little to no power and energy levels in them." Peridot crosses off the buildings that matched.

"How do you know those buildings match that criteria?" Steven asked.

"By a simple scan, of course." Peridot points to the computer which appears to still suffer from little to mild damage from Moonlight's assault on here a long time ago. "The satellites still work." 

"What even happened here?" Bismuth asked, noticing that the place was still in tatters. 

"Moonlight attacked this place a long time ago." Steven answered.

"Where is she, by the way?" Peridot asked. 

"I don't know, and I don't care... I just hope she stays away tonight..." Steven said in a low voice at the last part. 

"Doesn't she have a crush--" Bismuth asked.

"Moving on." Steven cuts her off. "Peridot, what else is there for us to narrow the search?"

"Well, the background she appears to be in looks like she's inside, which is obvious, but with no moonlight or windows visible, which rules out the buildings with more open space and lots of windows." Peridot crosses off more windows. "Which leaves less than twenty five structures left in Homeworld. Which means you're bound to find her at some point if you check these remaining locations."

Steven studied the remaining buildings on the map. "Okay, thank you for helping me. Bismuth, thank you for bringing me the map."

"Aw shucks." Bismuth grins. "Happy to help. If you don't mind, I'm going to help clean this place up, and rest up for a while. You have no idea how hard it was to fight my way here."

"That's alright." Steven went to the door, but before he left, he turned back. "Lock this door, and don't let anyone you don't recognize in here. Only let me, Obsidian and any other member of the Crystal Gems in here." 

Steven leaves.

The Palace:

Obsidian snuck back in the Palace, taking off her costume.

"My Diamond, why have you arrived back so soon? I thought you would be busy for the entire night?" Volleyball asked.

"I've brought something for Samuel and Spinel. Is he still asleep?" White Diamond asked.

"He was, but he woke up after a nightmare." Volleyball answered. "He said he saw some large monster trying to eat him."

White Diamond sighs. "His mind is trying to remind him of what happened at the debate. Where is he now?"

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