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"I want to make it public", Mew said seriously and full of determination..
"You can't do it Hia, you will destroy your career", Tul argued so desperately.. pulling his hair
" I don't care, you're the matter.. our love is the matter"

" Hia, you will get backlash from your fans, haters will roast you hia.. we can't afford to destroy your future"

"Which future do you means Tullie? My future is which you in frame, formally.. legally..

I can risk everything for us, even its my Job ".. no more hide and seek play..

" Hia, I know how much you love singing and acting.. and I know how much you love your fans.. For now let us lay low, hia.. please"

Mew and Tul have an opposite character..

Tul is a subtle, composure and bit secretive person.. He can still smile eventough his heart shattered..
he was always the best at hiding his feeling..

Meanwhile Mew is open book and expresive person, he wear his heart on his sleeve..
he was not the type who will hiding his feeling..

Maybe this opposite pole who make them complete each other..

" I am tired Tullie, why do any restriction to express love.. huh?!" ..

I had have enough with this so called normal society and the fake of artist manual"

When Freedom an Fame never came in one sentences

Call It WhateverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora