Chapter VII : Just a Friend

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¥| The National Gallery , Trafalgar Square

Mina gazed up at the museum, hands clammy as the columns to the entrance towered over them.

"Sorry," Steven apologized, walking back over to her. "I was just texting my mum about Gus. I still don't think that growing back a whole fin's normal. Weird isn't it?"

Mina nodded. "Strange, yeah."

Steven put his phone back in his pocket, frowning at the lack of an answer from his mother. "Probably busy," he said. "She usually is." He looked at Mina then, his face falling into realization as if he were seeing her for the first time. "Oh, gosh, wait. I didn't mean for you to come all this way. I wanted to walk you home before work," he said, feeling embarrassed and awful.

Mina shook her head, hands in her pockets. "Don't feel bad. I liked talking with you. It was nice."

Steven blushed a bit, feeling grateful for her kindness. "Well, it's a short shift today. The museum's getting a wax on and we're closing early tonight." He reached into his pocket then, pulling out money. "Here. This should get you a taxi ride all the way home."

Mina looked down at the money. "No, no. That's okay. I'll wait for you."

Steven frowned. "Wait for me? What, you mean out in the cold? No, I can't have you doing that. It's freezing out here."

"There's shops around. I'll even get myself lunch too," Mina insisted. "I don't mind."

Steven sighed, reaching into his wallet again. "Well then take some more. Buy yourself something nice."

Mina looked at the money, feeling sad from the gesture. It crushed her knowing how desperate he seemed to gain her trust. "Steven I - "

Steven shook his head. "Please. I feel awful having you wander about while I work. Buy yourself a big lunch, even some new clothes if you'd like. Please, I insist."

Mina didn't argue. She took the money, feeling guilty more and more the longer she kept him outside. It wasn't right of her to spend his money while he was about to walk into work, unknowingly to be fired. He was going to need the money. However, she knew that it would also crush him to know that she hadn't spent it.

"Let me see your phone," she decided then.

Steven frowned but did so. As he was about to ask what for, he quickly stopped himself as he saw her type something into it. His heart raced. It was her phone number.

Mina looked up at him, handing the phone back. "Give me a call when you're out of work, okay?"

Steven blushed, smiling nervously. "Yeah. Yeah, all right. I'll call you."

Mina nodded, looking to her left. She looked back at Steven once more, feeling terribly anxious. "Have a good day?" she asked.

Steven nodded. "Yeah. See you in a few hours."

"See you later," Mina agreed. She turned then, forcing herself to walk down the steps of the museum and towards the shopping centers of Trafalgar Square.

She decided to get food first, not wanting to spend most of the money right away. Maybe she could use her own, hide the money away for a bit and then when Steven wasn't looking, sneak it back into his wallet. Yes. She would do that.

No. That's lying to him. No more lies, Mina.

"Just spend the money, my flower."

Mina gasped, not expecting the deep voice at all. She looked up at Anubis who was standing before her to the right.

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