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I open my eyes and look over to the left and I see Briggs laying back in a chair and I wonder why he choose to sleep there and not in my bed.  I try to move a little and I feel this shooting pain go right up my side.

"Fuck," I whisper.

I hear Briggs stir and he opens his eyes.  His face looks so tired and there are bags underneath his eyes.  He blinks a couple of times and moves closer to me.

"Am?  You're awake. Thank God, I thought I lost you baby," he says and gently puts his arms around me.

"Where am I," I say, trying my best to get my barring's.

"You are in the hospital.  You were shot," he says.

As soon as he says that it all comes crashing back to me.  Coming home and waiting for Briggs to arrive.  I knew something was off the minute I stepped in the house.  Unfortunately by the time I figured it out though, Taylor had hit me with the end of her gun.

I remember waking up in the bedroom, but my hands were tied and I was desperately pleading with her to let me go and for the lives of my children.

I snap out of my flash back and my hands quickly go to my stomach.

"They had to get them out.  The doctor said the stress of getting shot and being pregnant was too much for your body.  They preformed an emergency c-section," he explains and holds my hand.

"Where are they? I need to see that they are alright," I say looking at Briggs.

"Am.." Briggs starts to say and stops.  I can see that he is trying to compose himself.

"What is it Briggs?  They are alright, right?" I ask.

"We had two amazing sons Am.  They were both so tiny.  The doctors did everything they could, but one of the twins didn't make it."

"No, no this is some kind of joke right?" 

"No baby it's not.  Twin A was born at two and a half pounds and Twin B was born at just one pound eleven ounces.  His heart wasn't strong enough to keep going," he looks at me and I can see the tears in his eyes.

"I need to see both of them."

"Baby you just woke up. Let the doctor check you out first."

"Dammit Briggs, I want to see my sons and if you are not going to take me I will go myself," I say throwing the covers off my body.

"Okay Am.  I'll get a wheelchair." Briggs gets up and walks out the door.

"Why God? Why did you have to take one of sons.  Have I not been through enough?" I yell up at the ceiling.

I hear the door open and Briggs walks back in with the wheelchair, but also with a doctor.

"Good to see that you are awake Mrs. Maddison.  I am Doctor Mitchell.  I just need to examine you and your husband can take you to see your son," he says.

"I have two sons.  He is taking me to see both."

"Did Mr. Maddison not tell you about what happened during surgery?"

"He did.  I still have two sons regardless. Now please examine me I want to see them both," I say.

The doctor goes through a routine examination and clears me to go and see my sons.  Even if he didn't I would have gone one way or another.

Briggs takes me down the hallway and all I can think about is our sons. One that is fighting to live and the other that has lost that battle.  I wasn't there to comfort him when he took his last breath or to tell him how much I love him.  

Royally Pucked (Anderson Series #7)Where stories live. Discover now