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I called in a favor. A huge one, one thst cost me two million dollars, but I would spend tripple that if it ment getting Bradley back.

I got the call just before our son's funeral that everything had been done. It looked like a simple fight in the prison cafiteria, but Taylor was no longer breathing the same air as us. Hopefully there was a special place in hell reserved for her.

I never thought I would hate someone enough to want them dead, but seeing Am holding our son's lifeless body broke something inside me. Something that I am not sure could ever be repaired.

Watching her hold him tightly and talk to him about all the things he'll never experience will haunt me forever.

It has been two months since we burried Bradley and we spend most of our time at the hospital.

We had a small service for Bradley.  My parents and Am's parents took care of the arrangements. Thank goodness they were able to take care of it as both of us were in no shape to do that.

I took a leave of absense from the Panthers and I don't know if I will return this season. My heart is just not in it anymore. I know I have to find that spark again, but maybe some time away and spending it with my family will heal it.

I watch my wife hold our son Max and I can't help but still feel empty. His brother should be here, my other son should be here. She took that away.

Max is getting stronger every day. Every ounce he gains. Every little victory he acheives we celebrate it. He is a fighter like his mom and I thank god he got her fighting spirit.

Am is healing physically. They released her from the hospital after a week and she amazes me every day with her strength. Emotionally though I know she is struggling.

I try to support her in every way I can, but she has just shut down. She goes through the motions almost on auto pilot and I don't blame her. When I try to hold her at night in our bed she just lays there and sobs.

Every morning when she has finally gone to sleep, I just pray that her pain will start to get a little easier. I miss how she used to laugh and smile at the littlest things. Hell I miss how I used to do those things too.

I get up and get into the shower. Today I am going to let her sleep and I'll head over to the hospital to be there for morning rounds. We like to be there when the doctor comes around and lets the staff and parents, who are present, know how thier children are doing.

I wouldn't miss it for the world and I know Am wants to be there too, but looking at her, I know she has the weight of the world on her. I just want her to get some sleep. I'll record the update today and let her listen to it when I get back, I think to myself.

Getting out of the shower and brushing my teeth, I walk back into the bedroom and head to my dresser. I grab some jeans and a long sleeve shirt and throw them on.

I walk over to the bed and lean down and give Am a kiss on the head. I scribble a note that tells her I went to the hospital and I'll bring back some lunch on my way back.

The drive to the hospital seems shorter each time I do it. I am not sure if I like it that way or if I liked when it was longer and I could think a little more about everything.

I walk into the hospital and head to the elevator. I press the button for the fifth floor and stand back against the wall and watch as the numbers climb to the NICU. I count the floors and pray that no one else gets on the elevator.

Luck must be on my side today as the elevator goes right to the fifth floor and I get off and head to the NICU door. I press the buzzer and Elena's voice rings through the speaker.

Royally Pucked (Anderson Series #7)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin