[ 7 ] : "THIS HELL"

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Nothing was going right in my life. I was running off two hours of sleep and two bottles of hours energy. It didn't help that those two hours of sleep were plagued with nightmares of all the ways this situation with Julian could go wrong. And that might not be so bad if I didn't forget to set my alarm in my stupor last night, making myself late to work for the first time.

Maybe someone cursed me? That would explain the stream of rotten luck I'd had. I stared at my reflection in the darkened computer screen, I was looking as frazzled as I felt. The sharp ding of a received text echoed through my small office. My wave of gratitude for the distraction was stifled by confusion at the unknown number.

[Unknown ID]: Do you have a drink preference?

I arched a brow, curiosity tickling the edges of my previous frustrations. Another ding, and another text settled on my locked screen.

[Unknown ID]: To be clear, I was asking if there is a beverage you prefer to drink in the morning. I already know your evening preference.

With an undignified snort at the implication of those words, I unlocked my phone and replied:

'Oh? And what is my evening preference?'

A playful smile flirted with the corners of my mouth. This was clearly a case of someone getting given the wrong number. Maybe it was wrong of me not to say so immediately, but I needed a bit of a pick me up at the moment.

[Unknown ID]: Well, it was only one night but I'd say you have a palette for deep, full bodied flavors.

Heat blossomed across my face at those words. I should stop them before they got too explicit about whatever night they had spent with whoever they were attempting to reach:

'I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you've been had.'

It was a full minute before I received a response, not that I expected one.

[Unknown ID]: So, the wine wasn't to your tastes, then?

An uneasy feeling began to settle like a rock in the pit of my stomach:

'Wine? So, that's what you were talking about. Maybe consider your phrasing next time.'

I attached a crying, laughing emoji at the end, hoping that me and the stranger share in the humor of that miscommunication.

[Unknown ID]: Interesting.

[Unknown ID]: your job must be quite boring if these are the thoughts occupying your mind this early in the morning.

They had to be teasing me. Well, I could return the favor:

'And you must have a lot of time to waste if you're texting strangers.'

There was only a short lull and then a message that made my blood turn cold.

[Unknown ID]: Is this the kind of conversations you have with strangers, Kate?

The uneasiness from early made itself known once more. Whoever this was they knew me, or at least my name, and that I was at work (though that could've been a lucky guess). But the fact that they knew my name and personal number made me more than a little uncomfortable:

'Okay, who is this? How did you get this number?'

[Unknown ID]: Kate, relax. This is Julian.


"Oh my god!" I shrieked, dropping my phone. It clanged loudly as it bounced off my desk, knocking into my knee and hitting the floor. My heart was thumping hard against my chest. I had thought—implied and completely misunderstood what that conversation was about. And if it was only with a stranger it would be something I could laugh off.

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