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Zara POV

I loved the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair. It made my heart light and bought a smile on my face. The smell of freshly wet mud tingled my nostrils indicating we were no longer within London city limits. Large farmlands bordered the tracks. The Hogwarts Express siren blared, drowning the moos of cattle grazing in the fields. It was a beautiful September day.

I stepped away from the gate and made my way back into the coach. I greeted a group of Hufflepuff girls I had never met before, and ruffled Harry Potter's already messy hair as he passed by.

"I'll teach you a charm to permanently fix your mane if you give me a guided tour of the Chamber of Secrets." I wriggled my eyebrows at the Gryffindor third-year.

"I wouldn't go back in there for a million galleons, Zara." Harry frowned.

"Fair enough. Try to stay out of trouble this year scar-head." I warned.

I blew a flying kiss at Adrian Pucey lounging comfortably between Pansy Parkinson and Delphine Greengrass. In return he threw me his sexiest smirk, before gesturing to the empty seat on his lap. I rolled my eyes at the absolutely gorgeous Slytherin chaser. As I contemplated spending the train journey in the company of my ex-boyfriend, my eyes fell on a tall, brawny figure.

Sun shone down on his steely brown pupils making them amber. His commanding presence caused heads to turn. The Slytherin girls around Adrian adjusted their position to feast their eyes on the incoming Gryffindor captain. His simple grey hoodie stretched across his broad chest and outlined the bulge of his muscular arms. He was heading right at me. Perfect!

Oliver Wood was in the traditional sense, a rather good-looking boy. He had the body of a Greek God and the face of an angel. Impeccable by all means. The catch was his insufferable attitude. He only cared about one thing, and one thing only. Needless to say it was Quidditch. Absolutely nothing else mattered, people could be dying around him and he would be busy strategizing for the next Quidditch season.

His lips twitched and his pace slowed down the moment he noticed me. The makings of a frown began to form on his forehead. He moved with extreme caution. I stood in the center of the narrow train pathway blocking any means of escape.

"Alton," He scowled.

"Wood," I licked my lower lip.

He turned his body ninety degrees in an attempt to squeeze past me. I shifted my position to prevent his escape. Our chests were inches from each other, and I strained my neck muscles upwards to maintain eye contact.

The Slytherins hooted in the background.

"What's the hurry, Wood? It's not like you have a train to catch."

"What do you want, Ravenclaw?" he said, visibly irritated.

"To go back in time and convince your mum to swallow you. Granger has a time turner. Do you reckon she will let me borrow it?" I batted my eyelashes at him. 

I maintained a straight face as Wood glared at me with raised eyebrows. Calculations went off in his head of the probability of me implementing the said plan. Ravenclaws were known to be experimental, but we were not stupid to mess with time.

Trashing Wood was my absolute favorite pastime. I always managed to get a good reaction out of him. The boy's emotional range was limited to his Quidditch obsession. It ranged from slightly obsessed to maniacal compulsion. I was confident my words wouldn't penetrate his thick skin, so it wasn't like I could ever hurt him.

Without another word, Wood took an about turn and walked back the way he came. I wasn't done yet! I chased the disgruntled Keeper.

"Your taste in friends is deplorable, Penny!" Wood roared as we approached Percy and Penelope getting cuddly in a coach.

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