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Oliver Wood POV

"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?" I wasn't sure I heard Percy right.

"I want you to move into the Ravenclaw tower with Zara so Penny can move in here with me." My best friend whispered nervously.

My pulse increased. Wait, why was I excited about Percy's proposal? The girl was an absolute psycho.

"Huh," I was confused. More than the thought of living with my worse nemesis, my own feelings scared me. I racked my brain in an attempt to understand the source of my eagerness. I closely scanned Percy's face for any sign of mischief.

"I will talk to the Professors and get them to allow for Quidditch practice at 4 a.m.," Percy pleaded.

"Keep talking," I seized the opportunity.

"I will ensure Flint does not hog the field, and practice time is evenly distributed amongst the four houses."

"Go on."

"I will help you with your schoolwork so you can focus on Quidditch."

"And Alton has agreed to this nonsense?" I wanted to make sure. Percy nodded his head vigorously causing my heart to skip a beat. Bloody hell, what was happening to me? "Fine! With a best friend like you, who needs enemies?" I faked displeasure. "When should I set off on this suicide mission?"


Just then, the door to our dorm swung open and in walked Penelope Clearwater tugging three large trunks. "What kind of password is Flibbertigibbet? Pathetic." She said, panting.

"Now would be a good time. " Percy let out a nervous chuckle.

What the hell!


An hour later, my luggage had been shifted into the Ravenclaw dorm. It was my first time in the Ravenclaw tower and my first time in a girl's dorm. Percy and Penny were kind enough to help me with the move. Zara Alton was fast asleep when I flew in with my trunk. She remained asleep throughout the commotion of unpacking trunks and clanking suitcases.

"Are you sure she is fine with it?" I asked. Percy, Penny, and I stood in a single file alongside Alton's bed, admiring the Ravenclaw cozily tucked under her sheets. She looked beautiful with her silky brown waves casually strewn across her pillow. She slept on her side with her palms under her cheek and a hint of a smile playing on her lips. I could get used to this view.

"Yes," Penny nodded nervously. "Whatever you do, DO NOT touch her diary. She WILL kill you."

Penny and Percy mounted their brooms, ready to fly out.

"I have kept an assortment of her favorite sweets on your nightstand. Toss them at her if she points her wand in your direction." Penny suggested.

"What? Why would she point her wand at me?" But it was too late, the couple had flown out. I gulped.

I changed into a pair of my favorite pajamas and tucked myself into Penelope's bed. It was cozier than mine. With a swish of my wand, I turned the lights off. It took a while for my eyes to get accustomed to the darkness.

Why had I agreed to this arrangement? I scratched my head. I turned to face the Ravenclaw sleeping on the other side of the room. Moonlight from the window fell straight on her face covering it in a silvery hue. The light reflected off her sharp nose, high cheekbones, and wet lips, giving them a glossy shine. Never before had I got the opportunity to feast my eyes on her delicate features for a prolonged period. I relished every second of it. She mumbled in her sleep. Her mumbles sounded like she was ordering her sister Pam to get her a mountain. A deep dimple appeared on her left cheek as her lips moved. I didn't realize I was smiling until my jaws began to hurt. Stop!

I prayed for my sanity and survival in the dorm. My eyes found their way back to her and I slowly drifted asleep.

A strong jerk on my back woke me from my deep slumber. Agrh! I was under attack by the Ravenclaw. Even without opening my eyes, I could recognize Alton by her perfume. I struggled to get her off me as she wrapped her arms and legs around my frame, which was tucked comfortably under the sheets. She was freakishly strong! What was she up to?

She trailed kisses along my forehead. I struggled to breathe.

"I am sorry about last night P. Love you, love you, love you," and I was smeared in more kisses. Someone sure was very happy to see me here. My stomach tingled.

"Good Morning Ravenclaw," I poked my entire head out of the comforter.

A deafening shriek engulfed the room. I covered my ears with my palms to protect my eardrums. Alton fell off the bed onto the cold floor with a loud thud, and the shriek died.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned.

Her torso lay on the floor, with her feet still entangled in my sheets on the bed. She looked at me from down below, and I blinked at her from the bed. I realized she had nothing but a Ravenclaw hoodie on, which due to gravity, had dropped onto her boobs, leaving her thighs, hips, and stomach fully exposed. I tore my gaze away from her baby-pink panties. Gosh, I wanted to get laid. 

"Just a nightmare, just a nightmare," she chanted, closing her eyes.

"Where are your pants at Ravenclaw!" I yelled as a problem began to develop in my pajamas.

She turned her body around and began to commando crawl toward her bed. What the hell? Arggh!! She was wearing thongs! My eyes widened. One way or another, that woman found a way to drive me insane. I couldn't believe my luck! I began to drool!

"WHAT THE FUCK WOOD!" She yelled as she got to her bed and covered her lower half in sheets.



"NO! NO, I DIDN'T NAIL HER! She... she moved out. I thought you knew." I was confused.

"No, she can't just leave me..." Alton's face fell. She stared out of the large window in distress.

"Hey, she's in the Gryffindor tower. I can take you there anytime." The look on her face made me sad. Never before had I seen her so upset.

Her face slowly turned to face me as her eyes darkened. All signs of distress, gone. She pulled out her wand.

Oh oh...

I scrambled around in search of sweets as the tip of her wand began to turn in my direction. Found it! I reached out for a chocolate frog and tossed it across the room at Alton. Due to years of playing Quidditch, my body didn't differentiate between a chocolate frog and the Quaffle. I watched in horror as the heavy frog zoomed across the room faster than the speed of light and hit Alton's left eye. Her wand fell as she howled in pain.

Holy shit!


"How is she?" I asked Madam Pomfrey as she left the infirmary.

"She will survive. You have nothing to worry about."

"Can I meet her?"

"Sure, be careful. She is not happy."

I dragged my feet along the infirmary floor. Alton lay in hospital clothing with an eyepatch covering her left eye.

"OLIVER FUCKING WOOD! Just when I felt I couldn't hate you anymore, you proved me wrong." She bellowed.

My heart fell. I hadn't realized the true impact of the word 'hate' till Alton used it for me. I swallowed, simply unable to speak. I came in to apologize, but my insides hurt so much that I couldn't get words to leave my mouth. My throat felt warm, and my nose began to run. She continued to throw insults at me left, right, and center, but my mind was too cloudy to register anything.




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