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Zara POV

"It hasn't even been 24 hours since we stepped into Hogwarts, and you are already in the hospital wing sporting an eyepatch!" My little sister Ivy roared as she paced around my bed collecting my belongings.

"There is nothing much I can do when the Gryffindor captain tries to puncture my eyeball, is there? I bet it is a part of his new Quidditch strategy! Step one, get rid of the Ravenclaw chaser. Check!" I exclaimed as I slid on my hoodie and hopped off the grim white bed. I was happy to be heading back to the Ravenclaw Tower.

"All the bickering and name-calling wasn't enough? Have you resorted to violence now? You can hardly blame him; I have seen you torture that poor soul." She grimaced as we exited the infirmary. Poor soul! Is she out of her mind? Oh no no no...

"Are you in love with the Gryffindor Grim Reaper?" I scorned.

Ivy simply rolled her eyes and climbed two stairs at a time.

"Are the dark dungeons clouding your judgment? Or are none of the Slytherin boys able to satisfy your needs?" I ran behind her trying to keep up.

"OH! STOP IT! You are embarrassing me. I'd rather die than be seen with a Gryffindor." She hissed, eyeing a group of Hufflepuffs staring at us from above a flight of stairs. "Zara, I can't be babysitting you! You are the elder one for crying out loud." I could sense the distress in her voice.

I winced. "The lost diadem" I answered the eagle's question and we stepped into the Ravenclaw common room. "I am sorry, Ivy. You don't have to worry about me. I am more than capable of taking care of myself." I wrapped my arm around my little sister and showered her hair and forehead with kisses. I increased the intensity of my assault amidst her protests. Eventually, her lips curled into a tiny smile and deep dimples appeared on either side of her lips. My little Ivy.

No sooner had we entered my dorm than she noticed something was amiss. "Where is Penelope at?"

"She moved in with Percy," I said as I scanned the dorm for Wood's belongings. The nightstands were clear, and his trunk and broom were missing. I opened the wardrobe, and it was empty as well. Something good came of my injury.

"Do you need me to move in with you?" Ivy felt sorry for me.

"Of course not! I love this setup!" I lied. "You enjoy your time in the dungeons!" I coaxed my sister to leave.

I picked up a copy of the art of ancient potion making and retired to my bed. I eyed Penelope's empty four-poster bed for a long moment before I immersed myself in my book.

The next day I woke up with a smile on my face. There was nothing that could ruin my Sunday. I almost skipped to the great hall for breakfast and squeezed myself between Padma Patil and Jeremy Stretton. Just as I had taken a large bite of the scrumptious banana muffin, I saw Padma shift away from me and Penelope scooch in.

"I miss you, Penny."

"I miss you too Zar." She smiled. "Er, I just wanted to thank you for everything. I know it must not have been easy for you to share a dorm with Ollie. But thank you for taking him in. I mean you went two nights without killing each other, right? Phew!" She joked. "Where is he by the way?" Penelope scanned the Gryffindor table. Percy shrugged at her when their eyes met.

Wood wasn't at the Gryffindor Tower last night? Where was he? I stared blankly at my best friend.

"Is he sleeping in?" She questioned. "Is he alright?" Her warm expression slowly turned into suspicion.

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. We stayed up talking the whole night! Let me go and fetch the darling boy." I faked a large smile, grabbed a toast, and scrambled away from her.

"Darling boy! Zara Alton! What have you done to him?" Penny yelled as I ran out of the great hall at top speed.

Where could he be? I racked my brain. Where could I find a Quidditch-crazed maniac? Of course! I knew where he was.

Oliver Wood POV

I adjusted the bundle of clothes which functioned as my makeshift pillow. The wooden bench creaked as I shifted to sleep on my left side. I had never truly appreciated the comfort of my four-poster. I had tossed and toiled the entire night on the rickety old wooden bench placed in the Gryffindor locker room. I will get used to it in due course. The golden lion painted on the ceiling glimmered in the morning sun.

THUD! Someone banged the door open.

"Get your ruddy ass up and back into my dorm, Wood!" Zara Alton's shrill voice echoed off the walls.

I sat up straight and signs of sleep and tiredness seemed to have instantly vanished. How did she ever find me?

"Ravenclaw! You shouldn't be here." I ran to erase the latest strategy drawn out on the blackboard before turning to face her. Her presence was enough to make my heart pound. She wore the tightest jeans coupled with the loosest light blue tee. Her palms rested on her hips displaying a wee bit of the hourglass figure she hid under her baggy top. Her waves were tied high up into a pony, away from her face. Pretty face; but she didn't look happy.

A large furrow decked her forehead as she chewed heavily on her lips. Her dimples were out of sight. She wasn't wearing her eye patch anymore and her wound had healed completely. I breathed a sigh of relief and suppressed a smile.

"Are you done checking me out?"

"Don't flatter yourself!" I shot back.

"GRAB YOUR BELONGINGS AND LET'S GO! Like it or not, we are sharing a dorm this year." She ordered.

Her tone and commanding voice were aggravating. "Absolutely not! I am perfectly content here without having to share my room with a foul ghoul." I stared into her piercing gaze. My heart thumped heavily.

"Most of the boys in school would follow me into the darkest depths of the forbidden forest. No questions asked. Yet here I am asking a complete imbecile to move in with me." She shook her head in disapproval.

"Modesty hasn't been your forte now, has it? Unfortunately for you, I see the Satan masked behind that appealing face."

"Aww, so you do find my face appealing."

"I find you bloody infuriating." My temper was rising with every passing second.

"Let's take this conversation back to my place. I am going to repeat myself one last time, in the hope that it penetrates the thick skull of yours. Grab your belongings and let's go," she said calmly. Her sudden shift to a lower tone and gentle voice was alarming. I felt an urgent need of distancing myself from the powerful witch.

"Get out of here, Ravenclaw," I commanded. "LEAVE!" I said pointing towards the exit.

"I have a very tough time following orders." She hissed.

"From the moment you have set foot in here you have been ordering me to follow you into your bed chamber. What makes you think I am going to obey you?" I questioned.

She smirked making my heart skip a beat. This could not be good. Get away from her! My brain yelled.

"Oh, you will, Wood. You bloody well will. WATCH ME!"

It all happened within a split second. Her nostrils flared and out came her wand. In a sweeping motion, all the lockers had swung open, and their contents dashed towards my open trunk lying on the floor. The noise of all the Quidditch gear clanking against one another engulfed the tiny room in a deafening roar.

Merlin! She was the definition of crazy! I scrambled in search of my wand. Before I could reach it, I felt a strong grip on my writs. Her slender fingers gently lured my hand out of my pocket.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Her eyes darkened. Her palm gently snaked into mine before her fingers forced my fingers apart and interlocked in them. All the noise in the background suddenly faded out and all I could hear was my heart thumping at an insane pace. Breathe! I reminded myself. Her soft warm palm latched into mine and her fingers burnt into my skin. She began to walk, and in a state of trance, I followed. At this point, if she had led me off the Astronomy tower plummeting to a gruesome death, I wouldn't be able to stop myself. 

It was the first time in seven years that her skin had touched mine.   

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