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It had been months and Aru still felt the lingering silence in her home, like a phantom that followed her around.

She'd gotten a job at a local café, as a barista. It wasn't a high-paying job, but enough for her to get by. 

As for the loneliness... it was fleeting sometimes. The apartment was too big for her, but she stayed in it, cleaning out her father's, mother's and sister's things, and stuffing them in the guest room, where nobody could see them. 

She had been re-watching Lord of the Rings (definitely not to ogle at Orlando Bloome), when a text from their group text thread popped up, from Aiden: You guys wanna meet up?

Brynne: Idm. I'll be in town bc Gunky and Funky told me to go college hunting, and that some of the best culinary schools are in Atlanta.

Aru: Is that a fact?

Brynne: Idk. They probably want me in Atlanta anyway, because Aiden's there.

Aru: I'm non-existent, gotcha.

Brynne: Dw, Shah, I'll be using your kitchen the most. [heart emoji]

Aiden: Brynne's showing affection? Even through TEXT???

Brynne: Shut up, *Ammamma*

Brynne: ANYWAY. I'm up for it, though Mini and Rudy need to confirm.

Aru snickered as she typed: They're prolly [sparkle] bUsY [sparkle]

Mini: What's with the barrage of messages?

Mini: Oh damn. Nvm. I read them all. You're all terrible.

Rudy: I'm fine with it, @ Brynne, when are you in Atlanta? 

They set a date, without much arguing, swearing, and middle-finger emojis (thanks, Brynne). 

Aru turned her phone off, and played the movie, her head swimming with her thoughts.


Around two weeks later, she'd been carefully holding a tray filled with mugs and sugar wrappers, all of which balanced precariously, threatening to tip over, when someone relieved this burden from her. 

Aiden sighed. "Shah, if you hold the tray like this, it's bound to fall over. Put your palm in the middle, and spread your fingers evenly to center it, and there are lesser chances for it to tip over. It's simple physics,"

"Sorry, Isaac Newton," she said, lightly, before hollering, "I'm taking my break!" to the manager, Alex. 

She nodded, before returning to the inventory list. 

He set the tray down on the counter, before dragging out a chair, and sinking into it, before calling a waiter, and ordering an Americano, with two shots of coffee.

"You'll need to pay for yourself, though, I can't guarantee an employee discount, or whatever it is you want."

"Cheapskate," he grumbled, good-naturedly, before emptying a sugar sachet into his coffee. 

Aiden sipped on his coffee, while Aru leaned back into her seat, her stomach grumbling slightly. 

"Where are the others?" He asked. 

Shattered Relations | Aru Shah AU |Where stories live. Discover now